Chapter 14

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The battle was brutal. The shadows advanced in a wave of frigid darkness aiming to snuff out the newcomers. They remained mostly transparent and untouchable, making it difficult for Scott and Stiles to fight them physically. Lydia's screams incapacitated the shadows for mere moments before they recovered and charged forward with a vengeance, while Parrish used his flames to try and hold back the cold darkness threatening to engulf their small group.

"I can't hold them much longer," Parrish yelled, his voice strained. Even with the heat he produced, his companions could see their breath in the air and would be shivering if it weren't for the adrenaline of battle.

Lydia looked around frantically, trying to come up with any sort of plan that would allow them to escape. But even if they escaped, the shadows would continue to come for them, eventually overtaking their town and shrouding Beacon Hills in darkness. No, they had to stop this here and now. But, how?

Scott and Stiles were on their knees, struggling to breathe in the frigid air as the shadows surrounded them. They gasped and coughed, but there was nothing Lydia could do as the shadows came toward her and she was forced to scream again to push them away. She faltered back a few steps, her head spinning from exhaustion.

It looked as though all was lost, until a blinding white light appeared behind them. The shadows hesitated as the light faded to reveal a tall dark figure holding a glowing sword.

"Thanatos!" Lydia exclaimed with a tired smile. She turned back to the shadows, ready for another round of fighting. Thanatos's arrival had reinvigorated her and brought back her willpower. This wasn't over yet.

"Man, am I glad to see you," Stiles said as he and Scott found the strength to return to their feet. They moved closer to the rest of the group as the shadows hesitated, concerned about the newest arrival.

"I can offer some assistance, but only the combined power of the hellhound and banshee can end this fight," Thanatos said, glancing over at Lydia and Parrish.

Parrish was about to ask what he meant, and why he said it in such a grave tone, when the voice of the shadow king cut through the mist.

"Fools! What are you standing there for? Kill them!"

The shadows advanced once more and Thanatos swung his sword, dissolving the entire front row into puddles of darkness. He used his free hand to beckon the rest of the shadows forward as Scott and Stiles stood on either side of him, ready to help in any way they could.

While the shadows were occupied, Lydia turned to Parrish. "He can't hold them off forever. He's still weak, she said. "We're the only ones who can stop this."

Parrish looked down at her and frowned. He remembered how Thanatos had said their life forces were linked and that the combined power of the hellhound and the banshee was dangerous, not just to their enemies.

If they combined their powers, it would be devastating to the entirety of the shadows forces, but it would likely come at a heavy cost. They'd have to divert any extra energy they had toward saving their friends, leaving none to save themselves.

Looking at Lydia, Parrish saw she had come to the same conclusion he had. He knew what her answer would be, but he had to ask anyway. He had to make sure she understood the risk of doing this.

"Lydia, if we do this, we could both die," he started. "Are you sure?"

Lydia looked into his eyes and set her shoulders, showing her unwavering determination. "It's the only way," she said.

Parrish sighed. He knew she was right. He pulled her into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head, breathing in her unique scent for possibly the last time. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," Lydia said before pulling away slightly. Time seemed to slow down around them, making it seem as though they were the only two people there. The only ones that mattered, anyway.

They both glanced over at Thanatos in time to see his sword clatter to the ground. He slumped against Stiles, obviously exhausted and reinjured, as Scott tried his best to defend them. It was now or never.

Lydia held out her hand and Parrish grasped it tightly as they both turned to face the army of shadows. They stepped forward in sync and bright orange flames began to surround them, engulfing them and protecting them from the cold darkness.

"Ready?" Parrish asked Lydia.

She nodded and took a deep breath before letting out an ear-splitting scream, louder than any of her companions had ever heard. At the same time Parrish let out a mighty roar and they both pushed outward with their hands. This sent a wave of fire and energy crashing over the shadows, dissipating them on contact. The only people spared were Scott, Stiles, and Thanatos.

After a few more seconds, the fire began to fade. Scott and Stiles blinked the spots from their eyes and uncovered their ears. They looked around, lips curled in smiles as they took in the lack of shadows. Then they noticed two humanoid shapes laying side by side on the ground and their smiles vanished.

"No. No no no," Stiles said.

They both rushed forward, falling to their knees beside the unmoving figures of Lydia and Parrish

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