Chapter 1

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It was the smell of warm blood that aroused Snowkit from his slumber. From that smell he could tell exactly where it was coming from: the vole being tossed between two kits, one a dark brown tabby tom, the other a tortoiseshell and white she-kit.

Snowkit could feel his tummy ache a little in hunger, the vole had clearly only just been caught, probably brought back from an early hunting patrol. He stood up and carefully stepped over his mother's tail to get outside of the nursery.

He was however stopped by a tugging on his own short tail. He turned around to see his mother's amber eyes blinking at him, his tail caught under one of her heavy paws.

Her mouth was moving up and down. Snowkit had no idea why. It was her eyes and ears though that told him everything. Her dark amber orbs were alight with curiosity and a little bit of warning while her ears were pricked forward. She wanted to know exactly what he was doing.

Snowkit flicked his tail towards the two kits and the vole they had and opened his mouth for a moment and then closed it, trying to mimic his mothers mouth movements.

His mother's eyes suddenly turned sad and she gave her head a small shake, as if to tell him her shouldn't do the open-close mouth thing.

Snowkit lowered his ears, annoyed at himself for disappointing his mother then, after an awkward pause, flicked his tail towards the two tousling kits for the second time.

His mother seemed to consider this for a moment then flicked her tail towards them and nodded encouragingly.

Snowkit felt his throat vibrate as it always did when he was happy, and bounded off to join the kits who had tucked into the dead vole.

The dark brown kit looked up and waved his tail in greeting as Snowkit approached, his blood soaked muzzle moving with his mouth. Snowkit nodded and took a bite out of the voles shoulder, taking time to chew the meat before swallowing, just as his mother had shown him.

The tortoiseshell's mouth was moving up and down at an almost alarming pace. Her tail was flicking and her head was bobbing up and down too.

Snowkit stared.

She stopped suddenly and looked at him expectantly.

Snowkit took another bite of vole and studied her posture, ears and tail to try and work out what was going on. The little kit seemed exited, but about what, he still couldn't tell.

He tried opening and closing his mouth really quickly while bobbing his head and waving his tail. Maybe she wanted him to copy her? His mother was normally very happy if he copied her correctly.

Confused looks were all he received in answer.

The brown kit turned to his sister and opened and closed his mouth. She did the same, keeping her light amber eyes trained on Snowkit. They seemed to be amused by something. Him.

Snowkit felt his white fur grow hot with shame. This wasn't the first time this had happened to him. Cats were always casting him funny looks, opening and closing their mouths to each other when they though he wasn't looking.

Soft fur brushing his flank dragged him out of his unhappy thoughts. The smell of his mother wafted through his nose, replacing the scent of vole. Instantly he felt a little more confident and held the confused amber stares of the other kits.

His mother seemed to be communicating with the kit's mother, a pretty golden queen that Snowkit hadn't realised had been watching them.

The golden cat stood up and stretched. Her mouth was moving lazily and her tail, hanging limply, seemed relaxed.

Snowkit's mother didn't seem relaxed.

Her ears were shoved so far forward that they were twitching and her tail was lashing from side to side.

The golden cat shrugged and looked at Snowkit then at her own kits. She was starting to look a little guilty. So were the kits.

Snowkit's mother seemed victorious as she opened and closed her mouth again.

The brown kit glanced at his sister then padded froward and opened and closed his mouth. The tortoiseshell did the same. They both seemed apologetic. They were trying to be friends again.

Aware of his mother's eyes burning into him, Snowkit extended his head forward and touched noses with each of the kits, just like he'd been taught.

His mother looked pleased. But deep down, Snowkit knew that it was irritation and disappointment blazing in her eyes.

Chapter 1 is done! I didn't realise how hard it would be to write about a deaf cat! You see, since Snowkit can't hear, he won't know things like names and why others open and close their mouths so much. Anyway, was it ok?

Warriors: Snowkit's Dreams (Contest entry for @Wolfyfang)Where stories live. Discover now