Chapter 3

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"My name is Moonkit." The kit continued.

"Ehhhhwaaaahhhhgggggniiiiiiiii!!!!!!" Snowkit wailed, jumping in fright as he heard the sounds come from his mouth. "Meeeeehhhhhffff!!!!"

"Shhhh!" The white kit hissed. "I know how much of a shock it is to hear for the first time but please-"


Snowkit's sounds stopped when the white kit jumped on him, silencing him in shock.

"You don't understand a word I'm saying, do you?" He sighed.

Snowkit stared at the tom, realising they even though it was nice to hear his voice, he had to pay attention.

The kit got off Snowkit and lead him over to a shallow pool of gleaming blue water.

"Water." The tom meowed, pointing at the waters surface with his tail. "War-ter!"

"Wahhhhterrr." Snowkit tried to copy. "Wah-ter."

"Uh, yeah, good." The white kit muttered.


The kit tipped his head to one side and sighed.

"Moonkit." He meowed, pointing at himself with his tail. "M-oon-kit."

"Mooooonkit." Snowkit realised that the strange white kit must be Moonkit.

The Moonkit pointed to Snowkit.

"Snowkit." He meowed. "Sn-oh-kit."

"Snowkit?" Snowkit was surprised it sounded almost perfect. "Snowkit!"

That sound belonged to him. He was Snowkit!

"Good." Moonkit mewed. "Now..."

The kit touched his little pink nose to the water and, to Snowkit's astonishment, an image of his mother appeared in the rippling surface.

"Speckletail." Moonkit meowed slowly. "Speck-all-tay-ell."

Snowkit paused. This one was much harder then 'water' or 'Moonkit'...

"Sp-specktall?" He meowed. "Speck... Speckletill?"

"Almost." Moonkit sighed. "Speckletail. Speck-all-tay-ell."

"Sp... Speck..." Snowkit tried really hard. "Speckletail?"

"Yes!" Moonkit was nodding and seemed please. "Yes Snowkit! Good!"

Snowkit purred he had learned that 'good' meant he had done something correct.

The image in the water changed. Speckletail was replaced by the two kits, the dark tabby and the tortoiseshell, along with their mother.

"Bramblekit." Moonkit mewed, pointing with his tail to the dark kit. "Br-am-bell-kit."

"Br-bram... Bramble?"

Moonkit gave him am encouraging nod.


"Good! Very good!" Moonkit purred and pointed to the other kit. "Tawnykit. Taw-nee-kit."

Much easier. "Tawnykit."

"Good, Snowkit." Moonkit pointed to their mother. "Goldenflower. Gol-den-fl-ow-er."

Much harder. Even harder then Dappletail.

"G-Gold... Goldeenflowahhh?"

Moonkit shook his head.

"Goldeen... Golden...?"

"Yeah- I mean yes."

"Goldenflower?" Snowkit tried again. "Good?"

"Yes! Good, Snowkit!" Moonkit squeaked. "That's all we have time for though... Speckletail will be waking you up soon. Good luck Snowkit, may StarClan light your path!"

Snowkit was puzzled. Aside from the first bit and Dappletail's name, he didn't understand what this strange kit, Moonkit, was mewling about.

"Moonkit?" He asked in what he hoped was a tone that would explain to Moonkit.

But Snowkit was never answered. His vision was darkening. Moonkit and the strange scenery vanished in a puff of darkness.

Snowkit blinked to try to clear his vision but, to his disappointment, he found himself blinking awake in the nursery.

And he was once again deaf.

Another chapter! What do you think this Moonkit is up to? I'd love to hear your thoughts so please comment!

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