Chapter 15 - Changes

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There are moments in your life. When things will change. Thomas had experienced it before. Once with the Old Man. Now Professor Nocturne — who came in and gave him a sliver of light in a place where Thomas only knew darkness. Lars, and his family came next. Showing him a past he never knew, and a future he never even thought of having. This was another turning point. Thomas closed the book on his lap.

A light layer of dust danced in the beam of morning light that shot in the air. Looking up Thomas looked straight into the eyes of Lars, who was upright in his bed. Thomas wasn't sure what colour Lars's eyes were. They changed more than the clouds moved in the sky. Today they were grey — like a cloudy day. Thomas slipped out of bed. Still dressed in his robes. He walked over to Lars bed. He shifted over, and Thomas sat at the edge of the bed. Lars blonde hair was all messed up, but he had a healthy flush of pink to his face.

"It is in the darkness that we see what others see. In the light is where we find ourselves." Thomas said quoting the poet whose book he read last night. The passage held no real meaning. It did strike a chord with Thomas though. To what extent he couldn't say.

"Sounds like you've been reading my father's books." Lars brogue was thicker with sleep. Thomas lips curved at the corner.

"Yes, Von Silversmith." Thomas said taking great interest in the winkle in Lars pulled down blanket.

"Worry is the foundation of friendship — it shows that you care." Lars said, Thomas recognized the quote — it was from the same poem.

"Didn't he trap his friend in cement?" Thomas said looking up at Lars, who winked.

"Promise I won't go that far — if you won't." Lars said a sloppy smile on his face. Thomas nodded, and held out his hand. Lars pulled him in for a hug. "I need to teach you how to insult someone." Lars whispered in his ear.

"Why?" Thomas pulled back, Lars laughed.

"Your nothing but a red herring in someone else tale?" Lars quirk a brow at him.

"That is a perfectly good insult." Thomas said in a huff.

"To what? My grandfather?" Lars said his eyes lightening to a soft blue-grey.

"Boys." Thomas turned and saw Pipa shaking her head from her bed. Bernard to was up.

"I would have to agree with Lars — your insults are lacking." Bernard nodded. His hair that was normally groomed to perfection. Had sliver-blonde hair roaming flying free around his face.

"Ugh." Pipa rolled her eyes and flopped on the bed.

"Let's get dressed and have some breakfast." Lars said swinging his feet over the bed.

"Are you guys fine..." Thomas paused unsure what to say it without making it a fuss. Shaking his head he went all in. "With my fangs? I have them now."

"If this was at the train — I would have not taking it well." Bernard tugged his hair out of his face with one hand.

"Now?" Thomas held his breath. Bernard shrugged.

"Your my friend. Fangs or no fangs." Bernard said offering Thomas a smile through a yawn.

"I want to touch them!" Pipa raised her hand. Shooting herself out of bed, she had her fingers in his mouth before he could blink. "Wow — I wished I had fangs." Pipa muttered, and even Squeakers who crawled out from the nest that was Pipa's morning hair. Peered in. Completely unafraid.

"Some things may change, but never my feelings for you." Lars smiled, then an ear-piercing squeal ruined the moment. Victoria, who Thomas was ashamed to say, he had forgotten about. Was holding her hands to her chubby, beaming face.

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