Chapter 17 - Expecto Patronum

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"I do not like that man." Lars growled. Letting Thomas go now that they had made it to the upper layers of the castle. Even away from the dungeons, Thomas felt cold. "He can't take you away. My parents won't allow it. I won't allow it."

"What if there right?" Thomas said, looking around, confirming that it's an empty hall. "What if I could turn into a monster?" Thomas's mind wandered to the worse scenario. "Even your parents couldn't keep me. Sirens don't sound like kind creatures either." Vampires, and Sirens made up two out of three of Thomas's bloodlines — fate was not in his favour for him not to be a monster.

"Back up." Lars stopped his steps. "What do you mean there? Don't you mean he?"

"People do believe I'm a monster." Thomas' hand went to the necklace under his robe. Thomas usually forgotten about; tonight it felt heavy, like it was tied to his fate. Rubbing his thumb over the Celtic knot on the silver heart rubbed hard into his thumb.

"I can feel the truth in that." Thomas always thought that feeling lies — that stabbed or made him feel sick. Was the worst feeling ever. Leave it to school, to teach him, that the truth could feel much worse. Like a stab to his heart and a storm cloud over his feelings.

"The only truth is that they are fools — along with that Professor of yours." Lars grabbed Thomas by the shoulders. "You need control. Over that dark feeling that took you over when we fought the troll." Lars burned a hole Thomas's, he couldn't pull away from him even if he wanted too. "That I can understand. We don't need Professor Nocturne to solve that." Lars flashed a confident grin.

"You have a plan?" Thomas asked, not sure where this was heading.

"Always." Lars said, running Thomas through the halls. His robe flying behind him.

"What about curfew?" Thomas asked. Lars turned his head with a smile.

"We have an hour." Lars said, piling them into the Library ignoring the librarian stern glare. In quick strides they went to the back of the library to a table. Bernard and Pipa were surrounded by piles of books. Thomas and Lars slammed into their chairs, breathless.

"It didn't go well, did it?" Bernard said putting down a thin book down on the table.

"No." Thomas shook his head.

"We need your help." Lars said leaning forward and whispering.

"What do you need?" Pipa said, shutting the large book in front of her with a slamming of dust.

"I need to find my Animal to Call." Thomas said with a frown. "It is a tie to my soul and power."

"How do you do that?" Pipa asked frowning herself. Not asking for any details, or wondering what he meant. Only wanting to know, how she could help.

"The blighter wouldn't say." Lars slammed the table with his fist. Receiving a stern look from the older students in the nearby isles. "He did say if Thomas can't find it — he'll take him away."

"He can't do that!" Pipa shouted and stood up from her chair.

"This is a library!" The student from before said to Pipa.

"We're sorry." Bernard raised a hand in apology, and pulled Pipa back down with the other. The student pulled out several books and grumbled away.

"I'm going to contact my parents tomorrow morning, but this is tied to Thomas health as well." Lars said. "Regular vampires can't take care of themselves."

"By becoming a master vampire. I can stay." Thomas said, agreeing with Lars.

"Aren't you to young, your only eleven. We only eleven." Pipa said, her eyes wide as saucers.

Thomas Cloverleigh Echos of the Past (Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now