Chapter 16 - Bonds

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"We just have to get through study hall." Bernard said to Thomas and Lars after their last class of the week — potions. Thomas's mind was racing through the whole class, and in his defence he had a lot to think about. To Thomas, it felt a bit awkward to look at Professor Nocturne, but he was trying to change. He spent a great deal of time between the two ideas. Luckily, Thomas could worry and whip up a burn-healing paste.

The same couldn't be said for Pipa, who in all honesty shouldn't be allowed near a cauldron. Or anything that involved a recipe. Thomas had watched, as a simple burn-healing paste. Turned into a small volcano shooting out small fires. Daniel and his group had ducked for cover. Throwing unhelpful remarks. Professor Nocturne waiting to see how poor Psto would react. Thomas was about to step in. Psto used his cloak to beat the creation back into Pipa's cauldron. Pipa grabbed a small lid and smothered the rest.

"I am so sorry!" Pipa said patting Psto cloak, like it would fix the holes she had burn through it.

"Maybe I can fix it?" He looked rather lost.

"I'll get you a new one! I'll write my parents at Study Hall." Pipa promised. Psto looked skeptical but accepted it with a nod.

"Next time — don't add anything unless I tell you too." Psto told her. Pipa nodded, and Psto left the class with a sigh and a bundle of books under his arm.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Pipa turned, looking happy. Like she hadn't turned a burn heal into a small fire. It was kind of impressive, if Thomas stopped to think about it.

"Potion is a mandatory class right?" Thomas asked Lars.

"For the first six years." Lars said with a smile on his lips. He had found the whole thing amusing. Thomas shook his head, Lars hadn't even bother hiding his smirk.

"Well — you can't fault her enthusiasm." Bernard said, walking in time with them.

"What I lack in skill, I make up for in creativity." Pipa said hugging her books to her chest, and joining in her group.

"True." Bernard said with a shy smile. That Thomas noted that he only used with Pipa.

"I noticed how you dodged her creativity, by taking Evan's as a partner." Lars said dryly. Evan's was another Gryffindor student — first year. He didn't seem to mind Thomas's group, but wanted to avoid the drama, and Thomas couldn't blame him. Bernard looked away a strike of red running across his nose. Looking as guilty as charged.

"Thomas doesn't mind my creativity!" Pipa said with a pout. "Do you Thomas?" Pipa turned towards Thomas.

"You are very good at cutting things." Thomas had partnered with her once. All you could do with a train rack like Pipa, was give her a task, far away from the cauldron as possible.

"See!" Pipa stuck her tongue out at Bernard.

"Trying to make the woodworm pretty — by cutting it into a fun shape. Is not helpful." Bernard said, walking into study hall.

"Thomas said it was." Pipa pointed to Thomas, who looked away from Bernard eyes. "He can't lie."

"Doesn't mean he can't find loop-holes." Lars chuckled. He had figured out his plan to keep Pipa busy in potions class. He had even used it himself when they partnered up.

"Loop-holes?" Pipa asked with a frown.

"Oh, look out table!" Thomas avoided further questioning by darting ahead. Together they worked on their Herbology homework. Thomas was good at labeling the parts of plants — as related to potions class. Otherwise, he failed, horribly, at anything else in the class. Today a plant had crawled up into the ceiling to avoid Thomas. Professor Frost had partnered him with Bernard for the rest of the school year. He now had to write a thousand-word essay on how to approach magical plants. Bernard was helping him.

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