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After Ginny, Katie, Parvati, and the other girls all consoled her and made sure she was alright, they left her be so that they could prepare for the party. Hermione slipped away in her school robes and started her way down the quiet halls.

Everyone was getting ready, so the halls were hers to roam, but of course she wasn't going to do that. She descended down the cold dank staircase to the dungeons.

Just as she reached her spot in the shadows, she stopped and waited. What if he had already left? What if he catches her? She willed herself to think positive, but she just couldn't. Just as she was about to give up, the door opened. She held her breath as she watched him leave.

She saw her opportunity and reached for his door to keep it from fully closing. She reached inside her robes and pulled out a paper weight. She wedged it in between the door and checked the area. Once she was for certain she was in the clear, she joined the many students making their way to the party in the great hall.

As she walked through the Great double doors, she was bombarded into an embrace.

"Mione!" She let go and spinned around. "So... how do I look!?" Ginny asked. She looked amazing. Her Chinese dress fit her in all the right places, her hair was done up nicely with the chopsticks in place, and she was wearing red high heels.

"Geez Gin, you look amazing!" Hermione mused. Ginny giggled.

"Thanks. Oh, oh, check this out!" She said. She lifted up the hem of her dress just a bit to let Hermione see a green dragon, painted but moving on her leg. Hermione gaped at it. "Cool right!?"

"Wow, Gin, it's -"

"Excuse me miss....." a familiar and kind voice said. They both turned and met a moppy Brown Haired boy with green eyes and glasses. "I mean, Ginny...." he blushed, "w-would you like to, to um... to..."

Ginny put a finger on his lips. "Yes, yes Harry! I would love to!" She hugged him and then turned to Hermione and squealed. As Hermione watched them leave, they made their way to the dance floor. Hermione laughed, they were so cute. She didn't think Harry would do it.

As she watched them dance, laugh, and chat, a dark figure caught her eye. She took a deep breath, he looked... he looked..... She shook her head, no need to dwell, it was her calling time.

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