Strangers Ch. 1

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Chapter 1: Strangers

        It was empty, the world was empty. There was no concept of warmth or cold it was all one never-ending blackness and stillness. But suddenly there was a spark, and a light was lit. Small, so small with eyes shining with light and teeth that gleamed in its glow. It gave spurts of flame, feeding the empty world. Spark after spark, turned into flame after flame. It formed stars whipping them with its tail into piles, piles of galaxies that it hurled out into the nothingness. From nothing it had made something, a something that grew and grew into the universe. And finally when it unfurled its bony little wings and lifted itself high. High above it looked over the universe it had created, and was satisfied.


 The sun sets, casting a golden glow upon the darkening lands. From the aging door of a stable a young lass watches the sun’s departure. Her scraggly black hair frames well-worn tan skin and dirt. Sighing she turns away from the door and lifts an empty pail from the ground, exiting into the darkening outside. Picking her way down the beaten path she walks between empty fields and old rotting fences.  Just as she reaches a small stone cottage the last rays of sunlight touch the horizon, and a final soft glow washes the land.

Inside she lays the empty pail on the ground, shedding her coat and muddy boats.  Swishing her hair aside she ties it up with a fraying string band. Suddenly she flinches. She can hear her name being shouted in the distance.

“Come here now we have guests!”

“ I’m coming Maher!” Forgetting the pail the lass rushes towards the back of an inn. A graying old lady stands hands with her back towards her as she converses with five strangers. Peering over her shoulder she tries to hold back her gasp. The stranger’s steeds are gorgeous. Huge spirited stallions tower above her, with brilliant black coats and wavy manes. Their eyes sparkle and shine with a burning light. In simple words are the most handsome and fearsome horses she has ever laid eyes on. As the stable hand assistant she has taken care of many weary travelers’ horses. From seedy little mules to passing noble’s steeds the lass thought she had seen them all, but these creatures were something else entirely. If the gods had chariots these were the beasts to pull them.

            Maher licks her lips greedily; although she was thinking along the same lines of the lass, her thoughts are on how rich their guests are. Men to command such fine beasts as these are sure to bring her a hefty sum!

“ I hope the rumors of how good your inn and food are will not be disappointing.” speaks the man from atop one of the midnight black horses. Giving the beast a soft slap he dismounts. The girl tries to determine his features, but his dark attire and hood hid his face in the already darkening gloom

“ Of course sir, why I’d say even better!” Maher exclaimed. The man merely grunts and hands her a handful of coins.

“ I trust you have a good stable hand to care for our horses?” At this the old women frowns. Her only son has died two years ago leaving only the young lass and her frail old husband to care for the horses. Usually these past years they had relied on luck, not many could afford the luxury of such animals and the girl’s services went unneeded.

Following the old women’s gaze to Stache the man frowns.

“ My men will care for our horses. They are high spirited animals and need a firm hand.” Clearly he did not approve of the scraggly little girl. At this statement the young lass’s eyes flash and she straightens her stance. The old women recognizing this look clamps a firm hand down on her shoulder. She quickly apologizes for the lack of service, and promises free feed and water for the horses. This seems to appease the man and he motions for the rest of the men to dismount from their steeds.

 The lass reluctantly begin to lead them to the barn she has just come from. Internally she is heart-broken. Oh how she wanted to run her hands along their gleaming coats and fondle their velvety nostrils. As a girl, caring for horses was an unsuitable job, but ever since she was little the lass had had a way with horses. She understood their aches and pains, their skittish behaviors and needs. Maher was no fool, recognizing this strength and she had quickly used it her advantage. It seemed the only thing useful about the girl, ever since she had taken her in 15 years ago.

But it was at times like this that she reminds herself not everyone is as open-minded as Maher. One of her few likeable traits. Girls were locked indoors, given a needle and thread to sew all day long.

The lass smiles to herself, she’d be damned if that ever happened to her, then sighing dejectedly she continues to lead the men down between the empty fields. It is dark now, and only rusted lantern swinging from her hand shines light. Upon reaching the barn one of the men motions for her to leave. His hood slides slightly back, and the girl for a moment catches a glimpse of bright amber eyes framed my dark olive skin. Hurriedly the man throws her a coin and ushers her out the door.

The young lass stares down at the coin in her hand in confusion. Dark olive skin, who are these men? Alarm bells going of in her head, handsome horses and distant strangers, these men are not their usual customers. The only men the lass knew of with that skin tone came from the far of deserts. Never actually seeing such men she had only hear tales from traveler. These deserts are worlds away, miles upon miles from her sleeping little village tucked away by the mountains. The darkest skin she has ever seen is her own. Her slightly muddy brown skin was the source of her taunts and jeers she had received over the years.

More confused then ever the lass hurries back to the inn, worrying Maher might have another task for her.  

Hey guys so thoughts? Comment, vote all that fun stuff. But no seriously I would like some comments on how this is, if I should continue. I have a lot of great ideas for this story. I’ll keep the authors note short cause I know people don’t usually read these (Guilty of this right here)

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