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"Colby, stop!" I exclaim. We were in the car on the way to Tender Greens.

He was mad I haven't ever had it so he's making me eat it. He kept turning the music down to mess with me.

He was laughing as I turned it back up. "You're such an asshat." I joke as he laughed.

We got to Tender Greens and sat down. "So, how did you find this place?" I ask looking through the menu.

"Brennen and I come here all the time." He explained. I looked up at him. "So, I'm at your date spot with Brennen?" I smirk.

He rolled his eyes as he laughed a little. "Why, you jealous?" He clap backed.

I roll my eyes as I looked at my menu. "What do you usually get here?" I ask. "Their fried chicken is really good." That's when the waitress came.

"Hi, I'm Sophia and I'll be serving you. What can I get you two?" She kept her eye contact on Colby. It was strange at first.

But then I realized she had a thing for him. "I'll have a water." Colby smiled at her. He might be a little oblivious.

"I'll have a water too." I speak up. She didn't even acknowledge me. She wrote it down and walked away.

I looked at Colby to see him looking at me strangely. "What was that about?" He asked sitting his menu down.

"What was what about?" I ask avoiding his question. "You know what, Eden." I look at him to see him staring.

"I'm just surprised you didn't notice her giving you googly eyes." I look back down at my menu. That salad does look good.

"Wait. Are you jealous?" I sat my menu down as I looked him. He was smiling at me lightly.

"I don't get jealous." I cocked an eyebrow as I cross my arms. We both stared at each other in the eyes. Our waitress brought our drinks, making us order.

And like a minute ago, she only paid attention to Colby. He ordered the fried chicken as she wrote it down.

After he ordered, she kept her eyes on him. I cleared my throat, causing her to look. She looked annoyed when she saw me.

"I'll like a salad." She looked at me up and down and then wrote it down. She walked away so she could hand it to the cooks.

"Why're you so jealous?" Colby asked playfully. That was a good question actually. Why was I actually jealous?

It's not like we're dating. And it's also not like I have feelings for him. Which I don't. We barely know each other.

Like I know he's from Kansas, his real name is Cole, and he's the deepest sleeper I know. But you could find those on the internet.

But I'm learning the small stuff. That he's never been in love before, that he acts tough but he's a big softie, and that's he's a good cuddler.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." I simply say as I sip on my drink.

He changed the subject, which I was really appreciative of. But I couldn't help but think back to the jealous conversation.

We ate, which was really good, and we finished. Colby said he was gonna drop me off at work. "You know I can drive myself, right?" I ask looking at him.

He looked really good while driving. "Yeah, but I want to." He smiled. He was so sweet. And to think, we met by me kissing him.

I wonder what he thinks about it. I shrug it off as he pulls up to the studio. "Text me when you get off." He smiled.

I thank him as I wave and get out. I walked inside to see Austin watching us. "Was that Colby?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I sat my bag. "It was. But I do have a question." I sit on the couch as he came over to me.

"What's up, short stop?" That was his nickname for me. It's because he's a whole foot taller than me, with him being six-four and I'm five-four.

"How do you know when you like someone?" I ask as he smiled. I could tell he saw this one coming.

He thought about it for a minute. "I guess when you can't stop thinking about them. When you start to get jealous." I stopped listening after that.

I couldn't like Colby, could I? No. It's too early to tell. The door opened causing the bell to ring.

I looked over to see the Taylor Brothers. I stood up and walked over to them. "You getting another tattoo, Jake?" I ask leaning against the counter.

"Actually, Brennen is." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Well, pick something out. I'll get everything ready." I went over to my station.

I put my gloves on and got my needle out. That's when the two boys walked over to me. As I tattooed Brennen, Jake sat on his phone.

Jake gasped as I looked over at him. "What is it?" He was covering his mouth. "You and Colby went on a date?" It sounded more like a question.

Brennen got bug eyed as Austin sat his head up. "Bitch, what?" Austin walked over to us. Jake showed him whatever was on his phone.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I tattoo Brennen. "A fan took a picture of you all together at Tender Greens." Brennen gasped.

"That's our date spot." He pouted. "Lemme see it." Jake flipped his phone over towards me.

And there we were. My back was facing the camera but you could see Colby clearly.

"Damn, what're they saying?" I ask as I go back to tattooing. "They're all asking and wondering if you're dating." Jake looked like he was scrolling.

"This is because of me guys, I set them up." Brennen bragged to all of us.

I looked at him weirdly. "You do know, I kissed him before you set us up?" I asked as he rolled his eyes.

"What are you gonna do about the fans?" Austin asked changing the subject.

"They can think what they want, Colby and I are just friends." They all started laughing.

What have I gotten myself into?

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