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It's been a year since all of that has happened with Colby. And we're better than ever. Right when I came back from Kansas, I moved out.

Sam, Colby, and their friends Jake and Corey, let me move in so I'm with him almost everyday. I got super close to Jake and Corey.

I still talk to Ivy and Casey. I try to hang out with them as much as I can. Kevin and Casey are together still, which I love.

Austin and I are also closer than ever. The night where I blacked out really brought us together.

Jake and Brennen still come to the tattoo parlor regularly.

Us three, including Colby and Austin go to the bars once a month together. My life has been really good recently.

I do miss Blair though. We don't talk as much as we used to. But we're still civil. It feels good knowing I don't have that control over me.

The girls say she's loosened up a lot. I've even heard she has a new boyfriend and settled down so good for her.

I'm just happy that everyone's happy now. Colby and I are at Chipotle right now. We're going before I have to be at work so I was happy.

I'm happy about work. Brennen recently promoted us so now we've been super busy. We sit down at our usual spot as I look at him.

A flashback popped into my mind where I first kissed him. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"When I first kissed you."

A/N: thank you guys so much for the fast reads! Even though I got busy during the middle of it, you all still wanted to read it which was amazing.

I really hope you all enjoyed it! -Rachel

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