Chapter 3

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"You coming?" I asked barely turning around. She hesitated for a minute before following me up to my room.

I shoved my door open and waited for her to come in before I closed it. She looked around curiously at my messy room. There were clothes scattered across my floor and my bed was unmade and messy. My music was still blaring and my room smelled of mint, and cologne. She sat on my bed and saw my guitar.
"You play?" She asked while running her fingers over the strings.

"Yeah, a little I guess." I answered.

"Will you play for me?" She smiled and looked up at me.

I scratched the back of my neck, "Maybe another time."

She pouted and I laughed and sat beside her. She stood up and went over to my desk where my speakers were.

"Is this Alice in Chains?" She questioned bobbing her head along to the music.

I sat up a little more, " Yeah, how did you know?"

"I love them. My dad listens to them a lot." She replied and bit her lip.

" Well then your dad's pretty cool. "

She sighed and jumped back onto my bed. " Yeah I guess he is."

"Dinner! Dinners ready!!" Mum called out. We stood up and headed downstairs.

Dinner was long and boring. Jade and I didn't really say much it was just the adults talking and laughing. After dinner, mum and Carry washed the dishes and had some more wine.

Jade walked over to her mom and whispered, "I'm gonna go, I'm tired is that okay?" Her mom nodded and Jade walked towards the door. I watched her leave and smiled.


I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. 6:00. I groaned and shut it off.

It's been a week since I've been here. Carry has done everything in her power to be with me at all times.

I turned on the shower and I got in. 20 minutes later I'm out of the shower and in my bra and panties. I walked in my room and opened my closet (which has been restocked thanks to Carry). I shuffled through my clothes when someone cleared their throat. I gasped and turned around in my bra and panties. There stood Michael. I blushed and pulled a shirt over my head.

"What the hell Michael?!" He laughed and I grabbed some leggings and pulled them on.

"I didn't know you had a belly piercing, it looks nice."

I blushed and bit my lip. "Thanks."

"Although your ass looks even better." He laughed harder and I jumped on the bed and grabbed a pillow an whacked him with it repeatedly. I laughed and he grabbed my arms and pinned me down to my bed. I bit my lip to stop the laughter when his mint breath hit my face. He lowered his forehead down to mine and he continued breathing down my face. He pulled away slowly and looked into my eyes. He cleared his throat and got off of me.

"Your mom asked me to bring you to school today." he said while standing up.

I sat up flushed, "Yeah, okay. give me 10 minutes." I ran into the bathroom and did my makeup and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I walked out and Michael was texting someone. He peered up over his phone and grinned at me. "You look beautiful." I thanked him blushing again and we walked down the stairs.

His car smelled like his cologne and cigarettes. The combination was amazing. He buckled in and started the car.

"You nervous?" He glanced at me then looked into the rear view mirror as we backed out of my driveway.

"Not really. I hate school. My moms making me go but my dad never really cared. I stayed home more than half the year anyways." I replied.

He laughed and shook his head. "Believe it or not I went to school almost everyday for my sophomore year only because during my freshman year my teacher called my mum and told her that I missed a lot of school and my mom freaked out." He laughed and continued, "When I came home that day she smacked me across the head and threatened to send me to military school if I didn't go to school and behave."

I laughed imagining Karen hitting Michael across the head. " My dad wasn't really strict until recently and that's why I'm here."

"What did you do?" Michael asked and glanced over to me.


"Well you had to have done something really bad to make your dad so angry to send you here."

I sighed, "Yeah I did do something. Actually I think it was a lot of things that kind of piled together and then I think the last thing I did really set him off and he couldn't handle me anymore."

Michael looked at me and frowned before jokingly saying, "What could such a goody two shoes like you have done to get in so much trouble?"

"I'm not a goody two shoes!" I crossed my arms, "I guess you really don't know me if you think I'm that good of a girl."

"Yeah you're right. I don't know you well enough but I think that should change." He smiled at me and pulled into a parking lot of the big high school. I grabbed my bag.

"Do you want a ride back from school? We could grab a smoothie or something on our way back."

"Yeah sure. I'll see you here at 2:40?" He nodded and I got out of his car and headed to the big high school building.



I don't know if I like my story yet but I'm hoping it'll get a lot better as it progresses so please give me a chance and keep reading! It'll make me sooo happy!! ( it already does :D )


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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