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_ ________________________________ _

Something is definitely not adding up here, The same feeling is running through me.

Let's find out then.

_ ________________________________ _

Saying that, the bodyguards, then took care of the messy situation.

Hudson was sent to the hotel's private infirmary with the shady guy who was under hefty care.

Alex and Grace were unconscious but had no major injuries, so they were taken to their room.

The terrible, horrible night was over and a new morning rose, just as the light rising in the sky with the sun in London.

When Alex opened his eyes he saw the white ceiling of his room.

After a few seconds of senselessness and shock, Alex discovered that he and grace were wrapped in their quilt in their bed.
He took his one hand to take aside the quilt and tried to check the time in his wristwatch on the other hand.

He checked the time as his toes landed on the soft bed runner round the bed.

It was 12:00 in the afternoon, He put on the white soft bedroom slippers beside his toes and moved towards the bathroom, he took a bath and by the time he came out grace was up to.

At round 1:30 PM when the couple was fresh and ready, there was a knock on the door
Alex got a bit uneasy, he moved slowly towards the door, opened the knob and there were standing John and Mary.

"Hey, Mr. detective, Good afternoon.
Let's go down and have a meal" said John in his own cheerful way.

"Yeah, sure let's go, we both are starving" said Alex as he gave a look to grace.
"Yeah" said Grace

As both the couple were in the hallway, John and Mary attempted to talk, but Alex and Grace were silent as statue, stepping  slowly.
Alex looked around, he could see himself and grace running on the stairs in extreme darkness and suddenly he closed his eyes and saw the sight he saw from the fence when that assassin caught him.
His head ached, legs jammed to the floor and a shivering ran through his spine.
"The last night was the worst night of my life," he said suddenly as he stopped.

"Yeah, Mr. Detective, we know that last night was a hard one for you all" said John as he instantly changed his facial expressions from joyful one to serious.

"Hey, how do you know it?" asked Alex in a rather surprising way

"Not only John, the whole hotel knows how bravely you fought that killer last night, everybody is talking about it" Mary explained as she defended John.

"Oh shit, the last thing I wanted for my secret plans was publicity" said Alex as he angrily looked around, because everyone was looking at him, as the couples group entered the buffet hall.

Sitting down on a table which was an isolated one, Alex inquired about Hudson and The shady guy.

"They are taken care of in the infirmary and Hudson would be discharged in about an hour followed by Ichabom the shady guy, who will be discharged after around 4 to 5 hours"

Grace made a shocked face but before she could say anything
"Yes, apparently his name is Ichabom"
These words stopped her as John made an explanation after judging her face.

"And yeah, the reception was empty, where's Emilio?" asked Alex as he took his face up.

"Why are you always looking for her?" asked Grace in a disappointed tone.

"Enough questions, now let's eat something, I think you both are starving" interrupted Mary as she tried to stop an onset fight.

"Come on Alex, the dishes are on the table there" said John as he pointed towards a long table decorated with beautifully illustrated dishes at one corner of the room
"Let's enjoy our extra perks in this marvelous hotel" said Grace cheerfully

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