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She digs in the sandbox searching for treasure
Tossing over sand running it through her hands
She digs and digs
Laughs and giggles
Her hand meats something hard and cold
A box, a treasure box
She had only found lose stones at this point
She was so excited, so curious
She started to dig more and more eager to find the lock
The more she dug the harder the rocks got
The redder the rocks got
She was determined now, on a mission she had to find out what was in the box
She finally reached the key wiping the sweat off her hands
And fiddled with the lock
Her mom came out
She started to scream.
What was wrong she wondered?
She was in her sandbox
She unlocked the box
Her hands felt funny
Her back too
Her head
Her heart
She had unlocked the box that held her pain
She had pieces of it in the treasure yes
But this was all of it
She looked down at her sandbox and what had been safe
Was now the opposite
The sand was hot
The deeper she got it became glass
Her hands, her body was cut as if she was in a cheese grader
Everything hurt
So she closed the box
It did nothing
She sat and sat thinking of a way out
She realized her mistake her curiosity
She started to hurt less
The pain was there but it hurt less
She lied down and looked up the stars. She smiled
She sunk into her sandbox leaving behind lots of treasure for the next kids

Her Rainy Day PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now