Unknown creatures

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Harry- idno why ally even thinks about going into those woods last time I heard a blonde, and blue eyed kid I think his name started with a N went in when he was only 15 and never came back out.

    I'm scared for her to go alone I have to protect her it's either she went in alone and maybe she would possibly die, or I go in with her and we die together. I don't want her to die without me and I don't want to die without her

    She's a stubborn ass so I had no choice.

I woke up and packed my bag with food, blankets, and flashlights. I made sure to dress warm and then I was finished and decided to go early. I was standing by the door just staring at the door handle when I heard my mum's voice " honey where are you going? It's 7 in the morning" and she was right it is but I have to be early so we can get a head start and maybe be out of the woods before sunset. I can't lie to my mum but in this case I will " um...I'm heading to the library again to meet up with ally" I cover up. She looks suspicious but then I'm relieved to her answer " ok...be back before midnight" and with that I nodded and left.

       I walked about 10 minutes thinking all of this through trying to understand if it is a good idea to risk my life.

    The blonde,blue eyed kid never came out so what about us will we make it out. By the time I reached her house I was won over, I was going to protect her if anything hppened.


    Then I remembered the cat....talking, maybe the woods is magical...Nah. I must be over my head to think that but I do wander if the was talking, maybe it's a trick probably a high school student prank in me and Ally. Then again I heard  rustling of leaves it's or fall so there's really no leaves in town....so the person would have to be in the woods, but who would go in those woods?

    I walk behind her house to see Ally standing there with a bag and she looked alittle cold. I walk over to her " what took you so long?" She asked and chuckled " my mom stopped me but it's ok I handled it but we have to be back before midnight" I said seriously. She nodded " are you ready?" She looked alittle nervous I sighed " we don't have to do th-" she cut me off with a loud " No!" I was taking back by the volume of her voice. " I want to explore every inch of these woods, and I will right now" and with that she walked towards the woods slowly and I walked behind.


         By now we were in the woods I could still see her house and hear her neighbor's  kids yelling and screaming and tackling each other with a game of football. Ally grabbed my hand and I sqeezed back to assure her we'll be fine. We walked deeper and as we did I couldn't see her house or hear the obnoxious yelling kids. It was rather  dark in the woods and creepy even when it's only the morning. I hear crows and that freaks me out, but it's not as creepy when I see blonde hair moving through the trees " did you see that?" I ask her she nods " is it a....person?" She asks I shrug and we keep walking to the center, where the blueberry bush is.

     By now my feet were very tired and I could not walk one more minute. To me I think ally felt the same way as she was trying to put her wait on a tree that was really different then the others. The tree was shorter the others were about the same except this one. I it had more leaves under it and then I saw it. The blueberry bush right behind it. " look!" I exclaim and she turns around and squeled .

     " were gonna meet a talking cat" she says and I scoff " you actually  believe that was real....hello prank" I say and she sighs " just because you think someone's gonna prank you cause your a nerd doesn't mean I'm gonna get pranked to" she says and honestly it hurt a little  but I don't care if she calls me that... mostly because she's beautiful.

           Ally- I honestly wish he would stop thinking everybody is gonna trick him. He shouldn't even be bullied and when I'm here nobody will prank him. I walk towards the bush and see no cat maybe harry is right but I need to try and prove him wrong.

   I walk till I'm right infront of the bush, nothing.....then suddenly I hear talking " I thought you'd come" a unfamiliar voice says it's definitely not harry's  he's right by me and I know he heard that clearer this time because of the look on his face.

    Owen how do I know it's a cat talking to me well I turned and there is a cat but....its more like a ghost cat. " w..who...what are you?" I ask , about to pee y fucking pants. Harry turns around and his eyes widen and he turns back around grabbing my hand trying to pull me away.

   " its a cat! A fucking talking, ghost cat!" He exclaims and I almost laugh he sounds crazy, but he is right....the cat is strange. The cat sat down and chuckled " I'm sen....I'm not going to hurt you,but I need to talk to you " the cat said seriously. I nod " hi sen I'm Ally-" the cut me off " I know who you both are I'm your protector, guardian whatever you wanna call it.....,but I'm also a creature in this woods protector...,and I need your help" the cat says, and I nod. " well what's this creatures name?, and where do I find him?" I ask and the cat sighs " he's usually around the only swamp in these woods....its very beautiful there I guess that's why he likes it" the cat says and harry looks suspicious " his name?" He asks and the cat says almost hesitating " Niall"

    Srry for the short chapter, follow me pweeaze
         Oh and do you think this Niall guy could be the blonde haired boy who went into the woods and NEVER came out.
      Love Psycho2545 - XOXO 


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