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We made it to the most biggest, best looking school I've ever seen. I jumped off the bus first not waiting for harry until I got off it. He finally got off and said " in a rush" I nodded and he chuckled we walked to the school and I saw alot of guys look at me and girls give me a dirty look screw them.

    I continued walking with harry to the front office I ended up in all except  of harry's  classes. I had gym first with harry. Harry said he dreaded first period until he knew I have it which was really sweet of him  to say that.

        We walk to gym separating  to get changed in the locker rooms I changed into some black shorts with a white crop top that says " swag". I slip my white converse on that i brought and head out to the gym. I walk in early and see a bunch of girls sitting I decided to sit by a girl with long brown hair and yellowish/brown eyes. She side glances me then turns around and smiles I smile back " I'm eleanor you must be ally, I heard a lot about you, I have a boyfriend don't steal him, your really pretty" she rambles I laugh

" I'd rather date harry than steal your boyfriend" I laugh and she nods but I see a look of disgust on her face " what's wrong?" I ask she sighs " harry isn't just a nerd but he's wierd like we used to have parties and everything was fine nothing bad happened then one day somebody accidently invited him and then that's when Alicia Andrew was murdered but the case was closed 2 years ago because there were no traces to lead to the murderer  but everybody thinks harry did it" she says and I'm lost for words I don't want to believe that.

    " I don't believe  that he's to nice for that " I shake my head and she sighs " believe what you want I think he did " and with that she turned back around. The class starts I hang with harry deciding  not to bring up what eleanor said not till I see proof.

  Me and harry were attempting  to do a single pushup but soon gave up and decided to go get dress. After I dressed I grabbed my bag and the bell rang right on time. The rest of the day was normal no gossiping and I learned alot more about harry. I sat there quietly eating an apple doing my biography  homework when I heard a cat meowing it was different though I get up and walk over to my window I see the woods and recognize  there beauty yet creepiness.

    I get my coat and shoes on and open the front door heading towards the woods. It looks really big and long and there's not much of a distance  from it and the town so it's not a long walk.

   I didn't even get a good look before I'm grabbed by the arm and turned around to face a worried harry. " what are you doing ally?" He asks and I shove his arm away " I'm exploring these woods" I say and turn around to face the woods gain only for harry to turn me around again " I've heard alot of stories about them woods I'm not letting you go in there " he says his face serious  I shrug " have you seen anything mysterious  in these woods or in this town ?" I ask and he huff " no but I don't have to just knowing a possibility  is enough to make me stay away " he says and I nod. " I don't care about your beliefs I will go in these woods whether you like it or not but I'll do you a favor and not go today" with that i walk away but no before I side glanced and swear I saw a floating cat but I shake it off......


    I wake up to the alarm I set for 6 in the morning so I could start early and get ready for tommorrow  because today is Friday and Saturday  is the day where I will explore those woods with or without harry.

I got dressed in a pink crop top with flowers on it and some white skinny jeans and light make up with my pink convers.

I run downstairs after brushing my hair and leaving it down naturally and grab a banana and my bag and say goodbye to my mom.

I walk to the bus stop feeling like someone or something was watching me I looked around me seeing nothing. I must be paroniod I think I should go to the docter I keep seeing wired, mysterious things.i wait for the bus and soon enough I'm sitting next to harry in biology class and he's ignoring me he's been ignoring me all day " harry talk to me " I whisper to him seeing as the teacher was talking and I didn't really want detention.

He shakes his head and turns to me " why are you so curious?" He groans and I shrug " I want to know about everything especially  those woods you made me more anxious I'm going tommorrow " I stated and his eyes popped out " what?!!" He whisper/yelled and I sighed " you can either be my friend and tag along or be a pussy and not come" I say and this time he sighs and nods

" fine I'm coming to make sure you'll stay safe" he says and i squel causing the teacher to look at e and harry " detention mrs.morris " he says to me and harry looks at the teacher with wide eyes " it wasn't just her talking dickhead" he said and the teacher looked at him shocked  me and the other students laughed " detention for you to and for anyone else who speaks in that tone to me " he says and then goes back to  his lecture. I giggle at harry and thank him for not letting me go alone he smiles his cute dimple appearing on his cheek.


" well time for detention I'ma call my mom and tell her I'm studying at your house " and I did just that while harry called his mom and told her he was studying at the library with me". We sat in detention and harry was awfully close to me ad he was smirking and his eyes were a bit darker. " You okay harry " I ask my hand on his shoulder " fine " his voice was so a turn on it was deep and so raspy I chuckle. For the rest of detention harry was turning me on just by his voice and he kept being flirty and seductive.

      We were walking home together I decided to invite him to my house so we could talk about tommorrow. " So you'll meet me by the woods behind my house and we'll pack food flashlights, and blankets oh and water" I say and he nods still a bit of dark in his eyes. I'm about to ask him something but he cut me off " your verry...pretty ally" and it shocked me he was looking at me weirdly " I can't wait to be with you and only you in the woods" he smiles and pokes my cheek I giggle.

" Ok harry what do you want?" I ask knowing why he was sucking up " maybe a kiss " he smirks I laugh " why me though?" I ask my smile gone  he frowns " please dont stop smiling.....I love your smile " he grins and I smile again " you still haven't answered my first question " I say and he nods " who wouldn't besides  if I wanted anyone to be my first kiss I want it to be a smart, funny, clumsy , and beautiful girl" he says and I'm shocked and he didn't have to ask me again.

      I kissed him and I did feel a pack of fireworks and it was amazing. He kissed back immediately  we were now in a heated make out session until my phone started ringing off the hook. I pull back and see who it is...unknown  " who is it?" He asks I chuckle " unknown" and then I hit answer and put it to my ear " hello " I sat almost a question.

   No answer silence except I hear the rustle of leaves and no breathing, but after I hear a noise I drop my phone a cat meowing.

    " what was it?" He asks worried I look at him in fear " this is gonna sound crazy but I heard a cat meowing on day the day I was gonna go into the woods then as I was going back to my house I swear I saw a cat but it it was floating! Then on this phone!" I pick up the phone gesturing to it "I heard a meow, a cat meow!" I exclaim and he looks at me then the phone and picks it up " your still talking with the cat I guess then" and indeed I am the person or cat hasn't hangin up and neither have i. I grab the phon and put it on speaker " hello " I whisper in it and there's rustling leaves again

" who is this ?" I ask and I hear another meow and another then I start hearing it more clear. " meet me in the woods by the only blueberry bush in the very center of the woods" and then it hangs up. " Did you hear what the cat said?" I ask he looks confused "I heard it but it wasn't very clear so I'm not sure" he says and I nod and tell him what the cat said.

   " So we're going to meet a talking cat" he says and I shrug " I don't believe till I see it" I say and he agrees harry ends up leaving an hour later after we kissed goodbye. Now tommorrow I will be wandering  into the mysterious woods. The wander woods.

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