Waking Up

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I woke up and found myself laying down in bed. Jon was laying in just shorts next to me. I was still in my clothes from last night. It was nice that he carried me in after I fell asleep in his car last night. I looked at the clock it was almost nine. I had a plane to catch at 4 this afternoon and I had a promo I had to do quickly for tonight's show at 1. However, I didn't want to get out of bed. Jon's arms were protective around my waist and I felt safe in his grasp.

"Finally up Squirt?" I heard his morning raspy voice close to my ear. I bit my lip.

"I guess. I want to fall back asleepthough." He laughed a little. He started to get up. I wonder if he knew how much I loved being in his grasp.

He started to walk away, "you basically passed out last night. You looked really worn down."

I stared at his body as I responded. "Yes. I just am getting so emotional now to when people put me down."

He looked up from his suitcase. He nodded quickly then looked back down. "You won't ever go back to him right? Rob I mean. Can you promise me that? No matter what happens between us, over my dead body would he get his hands on you again."

I was startled by this comment. "I promise," I studdered.

"Good." He stood up and kissed my forehead.

After a few seconds I asked, "are my bags still in the car?"

"Nope, right out by the door."

I looked towards it. "Thanks for getting them."

He smiled, "don't you have to fly somewhere? Shouldn't you pack?"

"I can't get myself out of bed." He laughed and picked me up and placed me on the floor.

I rolled into a ball in the floor and closed my eyes. "You're unbelievable."

"You've been telling me that a lot lately." He rolled his eyes at me, but made me stand up.

I went and grabbed my suitcase. I brought it next to the bed. "I've got to go." He said abruptly.

I shot my gaze up towards him. "What do you have going on?"

"Meeting with Stephanie, Paul, and Vince."

I nodded. I was somewhat upset he was leaving me. He zipped up his suitcase and headed towards the door. "I will see you later my Squirt. I will text you."

"Wait." I ran up to him, "see you later! Tell them all I said hello." I gave him a kiss that lasted a little longer than I expected, but I'm not going to complain.

"By babe." I smiled and watched him leave.

I grew quite upset. I think I am going to miss him. I would see him soon, but I still felt and overwhelming need to be with him.


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