After Raw

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'ring, ring'

I opened up my phone to see the text I had got. I was sitting on my couch in my locker room trying to calm down. I immediately felt my heart sink in my chest.

'I was watching you on Raw, I couldn't get over how terrible you looked out there! I thought you said you knew what you were doing! I am so disappointed... I don't even know if I want to see you." I grew upset. Rob wasn't angry because I had a 'bad' match, he screwed up and was with another girl, and this was how he was trying to hide it. This was the 8th time he had done this just in the last year.

I then heard a knock on the door. "Hey so..." Dean started to speak but stopped. "I didn't upset you that badly did I? Why are you crying?" He lacked any care in his voice, but he looked genuinely concerned.

I wiped a tear from under my eye "it's nothing. I'm fine." That was a lie. I hated how Rob disrespected me, but I loved how he would sometimes tell me I was beautiful, or he would smile at me and I would laugh openly.

I knew we would have no happy ending but I kept going back to him, because I kept convincing myself I loved him. I mean the heart wants what it wants right? Sort of.

"It doesn't look like its nothing." His tone was the same.

"I was just doing some mascara and I accidentally hit myself in the eye. It's no big deal, what do you want?" I blurted out the last part.

He smirked. "The mascara part you told me is a lie, and I came because they wanted you to do an interview with me because I won the match. They just wanted your opinion."

"Ok, I just need to get rid of the red circles from under my eyes." I turned around and pulled out concealer. Dean stood behind me.

"You could tell me what's wrong, I don't know you so I can't really judge you." Dean stated.

I sighed, "I don't even know your name I can't tell you why."

"I knew you weren't telling the truth! You know my name it's Dean."

I turned around "I meant your real name."

"It's dean."

I grabbed my phone and searched his name, he looked at me puzzled. "Jon, your real name is Jon." I looked back up at him.

"I don't like to be called that, I want to be called Dean." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I won't call you Dean, I am going to call you Jon. Not matter if you like it or not. It wouldn't feel right it I called you by something else, it wouldn't be genuine" He didn't look too pleased.

"I was crying because of my boyfriend. That's all you need to know"

His eyebrows raised slightly amused "d*mn it your single! I can't show you what man you have been wanting. Or begging for in your dreams..." I laughed. I actually laughed, like out, in the open, and it was genuine. Strange...

He seemed shocked, "hey I might as well because that's all my boyfriend does, goes and sleeps with every girl who asks. Or who has their boobs pulled all the way up to their neck" My tone was bitter but I kept a slight smile on your face.

"I may go around to girls, but I am not so low that I have a girlfriend and I go and sleep around with others behind their back." He looked like he truly meant that.

"Well it isn't the first time..." I crossed my arms over my chest, I can't believe I was telling him all this, no one knew this. He was just so, easy to talk to.

"Then why are with him?" He raised his voice a little and he leaned forward, closer to right in my face.

"I guess, I guess..." I was already in too deep to back out now. "I lost my family when I was younger and I guess I just latch onto the guy who gave me any slight bit of affection." It pained me to say it. Saying it out loud made it soundeven worse.

He stayed silent for a moment. "You need to leave him, go with someone who will make your day after many consecutive rounds..." I laughed again. At least he wasn't getting on my back about the whole situation.

"Could you even give a serious answer?"

He thought for a second, "I could but I bet other people have told you to leave him, I just assumed you were tired of hearing that. I would be too, but if you want a serious answer..." He shrugged and smiled a little.

"Thanks, it's nice to tell someone something and not just get their advice." He nodded again.

"As uplifting as this conversation is, we have to do do an interview, but we will finish talking later, and then when we are done talking you could moan my name for hours on end" oh my god, again? I laughed as I walked through the door. He followed behind me a few feet back.

He quickened his pace so he was standing next to me, "it wasn't a lie when I said you were going to moan by the way Squirt."


"Yeah, it's your new nickname, I think it fits you." He winked at me, and I put my head down as my cheeks grew hotter.

The cameras started rolling and Renee announced Jon and I.

"What is your reaction to the match you just competed in?" Renee put the mic near Jon.

"Well it was no surprise I won, I knew I would, I deserved this match more thank your golden boy John Cena did. I know that at Hell In a Cell Seth Rollins is going to be screaming and begging me to let him go easy on him. But brother, my sweet, sweet brother, you have h*ll to pay! and I can't wait to force feed you it. Everyone who chants that you're a sellout will stop, they will now call you a loser, isn't that right Squirt?" He nudged me.

Renee moved the mic to me "oh of corse you will beat him, and I know that Seth will be walking out in pain, I just can't wait to see it all this Sunday!" Jon snickered and I smiled into the camera. Your welcome WWE, for the free advertising.

"Let's go Squirt." John said turning me around and pushing me forward, he was in his character and it was, I'm not going to lie, super hot.

"I actually did want to here the rest of your story," Jon said as he walked me back to my locker room.

"Sure, you can come to my hotel room..." If he was going to play then I was too, "it has a huge living room to sit in and talk." I emphasized the word talk. He didn't seem amused with my answer, he thought he was going to get lucky. Silly him.

"Fine, but once we are done talking in the living room..." He looked unamused. "We can break in that bed, I bet it has never been through the beating and rocking we are about to give it." I sighed again, he needed to wash his mouth everything that came out was dirty and crude.

"In your dreams, I will see you later then. Room 205" I pushed him away jokingly then entered my locker room, this was going to get interesting.


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