Till I See You Again

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I left the hotel room feeling tired and not prepared to take on the day. I made my way to the car waiting for me. I put my stuff in the trunk all while pictures were being snapped of me. I slid into the backseat and grabbed my phone out, while the driver tried to get through the mob. I swear I lived on Instagram.

I finally made it to the arena. Crew members walked me to an empty space to shoot my promo. I looked at what they wanted me to say, but I decided I would have fun with my lines also. I never did anything exactly like what the script says. It annoyed the h*ll out of everyone, I didn't care though. I needed to keep it interesting for myself.

The camera began to roll, "hi Nikki, great match! Amazing how you can't win a match without your little Cindebella with you." I read ahead and saw Brie was supposed to distract Victoria (Alicia Fox), so Nikki could pick up the win.

"But Lesbi honest, you couldn't take my title away from me, in fact you couldn't even beat me, without someone's help. Or on the other hand, you just can't beat me even in a fair fight. Which I get because I am so much better than you. Anyways, I just wanted to inform the two of you, that talent, is not sexually transmitted. Do good night, and I do hope that the bed bugs bite. In fact, I want them to eat you to alive." I smirked then walked off.

The camera guys and crew members watched it over and told me I did a good job. I smiled and left the arena.

I immediately got on a plane and headed for New York. I landed and got in a car to take me to my apartment in the Hampshire house, right across the street from Central Park. I brushed my hair and dropped off my bags, then got ready to leave and head towards the studio.

I arrived and saw Dave looking ever so happy. "Hey Dave, can you listen to the songs I've been writing?"

I always asked this question, and I always got the same answer, "no." I wish he would at least give my music a try. He tried to hide the fact that I had emotions. One day I told myself I would just come out with a real song.

I looked over the song, I was given a week ago to work on. I rapped the lines quikly, then walked out and saw my team all high fiving. We took the music and then mixed them with what pitbull had prerecorded. The song was trashy, but I guess it "just" fit my brand. I listened as they strategized new music video ideas for a while, but then I got a text message from Jon.

'I saw your promo. I loved it!'

I smiled and responded immediatly. 'I'm glad. When is your match?'

'Second to last. Going to watch it?'

'Of corse!' I smiled and went to the network and watched for a while.

Jon finally came down to the ring, and killed his match. I smiled and waited until after he went through the curtain.

'Looking great out there! Absolutely stole the show!' I then put my phone away as Dave started to address me.


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