•Love at the first sight•

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Everything seemed okay until I met her. Monday morning; new school year,new teachers and new faces.

I was walking down to school with my brother Adrian and my mate  Jamie. We were talking about our plans for the upcoming weekend, school and girls, that normal guys talk about these days. We crossed the school gate and I saw this girl that I have never seen before even around town. She was sitting alone on the fire stairs reading some romance novel, the Adrian said loudly " she looks like a creep! She's such a loner, just look at her who would even want to be friends or even date someone like her". Jamie and Adrian laughed aloud but I ignored them because I couldn't believe my eyes how beautiful she was. By the way my name is Aiden.

As the bell rang I checked my timetable and my first class was italian in room 8. Me, Adrian and Jamie went to class and got our seats, then a few seconds later the beautiful stranger came in and sat at a desk alone at the back of the class. Then the teacher came into the class and introduced himself as "Mr.Harris", he said he was going to be our new french teacher but I didn't listen to him as I kept looking back at the beautiful stranger. Then Mr.Harris got us all to introduce ourselves. By the time it got the beautiful stranger she said softly "Ciao, mi chiamo Cherry". Her voice was so soft and beautiful that made me have butterflies in my stomach. Then the next person said their name, but all I could think about is Cherry.

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