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French flew by and it was time for physics. We went to room A4 and sat down, then Cherry came and she sat by herself at the back of the class as usual but not for long because some girl came and sat next to her and started to talk. I couldn't stop looking at her, her beautiful brown eyes perfectly matched with her dark brown ombred wavy hair. Oh damn what a gorgeous angel. From my daydreaming about Cherry. Jamie woke me up and said " what's wrong with you dude? You keep daydreaming about this loser!?" Then I quickly replied " eh ? No, no way dude I was thinking about the weekend already", but the truth was different...

Then Adrian replied " Oh yes dude playing ps4 all night long! Can't wait!" Then Ms.Walker walked in and class had began however I couldn't concentrate on the lesson because I was thinking about her. From my deep thinking Ms.Walker woke me up and said " Mr. Aiden can you concentrate on the lesson and stop daydreaming?" I nodded my head and she carried on with the lesson, the class was on about sharing an electron more likely sharing my love to Cherry even though I won't get a return

Other 3 classes flew by and it was lunch time. Me, Jamie and Adrian sat down on the hill and talked about games that we will play during the weekend and that's when I saw Cherry, Natasha (Adrians crush) and some dude. Wait a minute a DUDE!? Why is he laughing and hanging out with my girl!? That should be me! Hold up, wait a minute. Did I just said "my girl?" Am I jealous? No I can't be she's not mine. Then Adrian punched my arm and shouted " Look what you've done to my sandwich idiot, you squeezed it, you own me one!" Jamie laughed at Adrians anger and said to me " stop thinking about her mate look she has somebody else now". Adrian says "Lunch is over let's go". The 3 of us went to class number 18 for geography. As I went in, I saw her and that's when I decided to make my move.

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