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I was waiting outside of St.Johns entrance, smoking my 5th fag and walking around impatiently. After 2 minutes I see taxi pulling up and Jamie and Cherry getting out. Jamie ran towards me and shouted "what happened dude!? Is he alright?" I said to him " I don't know man, he got drunk and jumped out of window. Because he has a sad, low life so it's easier for him to run away from the problems, than actually face them" That's when I got slapped by Cherry and she ran towards the hospital, that's when Jamie said to me" you are low, careless dickhead" and walked to the hospital. After few minutes I walked to the hospital. I saw my father and mother sitting on the chairs with Jamie and Kelly but when they saw me they looked away I asked my father " what's up with the big man?", my father replied " he is critical.. Doctor said there is a little hope and to prepare for the worst and go say our goodbyes" that's when my mother walked away crying and my father went after her. I didn't really care, I know I sound heartless but it's true he deserves what happened to him, he wanted take my love away. I see Jamie and Cherry getting out of the room where Aiden was. Cherry make up was smudged, she didn't even looked at me, she just walked away. She loves that dickhead! I immediately got up and walked in to his room. He was lying there lifeless, all of the sudden my anger went away..I went up to him but I stood there in silent until I heard his life machine go flat meaning his heart was stopping...

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