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I dragged myself to the door because I didn't want to answer it. I was totally drunk like a professional alcoholic and I couldn't stand straight on my feet.Finally I opened the door and I saw her. I gave her an eye roll and with my drunk voice I said " what the hell are doing here go to Adrian. Get away." I wanted the close the door but she blocked the door with her foot and said "Please listen to me, let me explain!" I gave her  a dirty look and said to her " whatever you say it won't change the fact that you kissed my brother!" Cherry looks away and with tears in her eyes says " Yes I kissed him but it was a mistake! I regret it so much. I... I... love you Aiden". I look at her and burst out laughing at her and I say to her "Funny Cherry, did you really thought I will fall for it?" Cherry replied "Aiden you are drunk, you are not thinking straight" I replied to her "  I am thinking straight Cherry. You kissed my brother and now you coming back to me saying that you love me. Haha you are like the rest of the girls, I ask you politely to take your ass and leave. I want nothing to do with you". I slammed the door and went to the kitchen to get another bottle of whiskey. I crawled to the sofa  and took a huge sip out of the bottle and that's when I saw Adrian coming in the door. He shouted " stop drinking your problems away!" I replied to him " I wouldn't be drinking if you didn't gave me the reasons to" and I took another sip of the almost empty bottle. Ross comes up to me and that's when I got up and punched him in the face making his nose bleed. I spit on him and say "You can have her,  but you are not my brother anymore". I went upstairs to my room and I locked the door, I opened the window and sat on the window sill and began to drink again. I thought that she was different from all the plastic out there but it turns out that they are all the same. I shouted "Dammit" and threw the empty bottle at the wall I observed how the bottle shattered into million pieces just like my heart. That's when I lost the control over my body...

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