Chapter 7

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Carl's Pov
( Check 4 Esoteric to see the person portraying Carl)

" Hey bro what are you looking at," asked   Ryan.

" Did you get her number? " asked Elijah.

" No, why would you think that," I said

" Because we know you," said Caeser.

" Is she new cause I swear I never saw her before this" said Ryan.

" He is right, you said you know your models so who is she?" asked Elijah.

" I don't know her she is not a model"

" She looked one. Anyone who saw her would also believe her as a model" said Elijah.

" Agreed, she looked beautiful," I said

" What am I hearing Carl complimenting someone," Ryan said.

" Don't be a drama queen I do compliment people or things if they are worth it?" I said.

" What will you do now? You want some help" said Caeser.

" I will find her, and no I don't need help. She said she helped a friend, Reah is the only person who will allow her to be on stage so I know from where to get the information" I said.

" Anyway let's go, I need a drink," said Elijah.

"Wow it's been so long since we all are together here," said Ryan.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing I sigh seeing the caller ID.

"Hello... what do you want?, it's done, pick it up anytime you want.....yes...ok..fine...bye"

" Who was it ?" asked Caeser.

"His sister," I said pointing towards Ryan.

"What did she say?" Ryan asked

"Just asking about her dress," I said

" Oh that reminds me what about my dress?" asked Ryan.

"It's in progress Ryan," I said

Sometimes I feel that I am their personal designer. They both contact me on my number and schedule things according to themselves. But still, I love them both and yes don't tell this to anyone.

" Will you stop smiling Elijah?" said Ryan.

" Caeser how was your Afghanistan trip, anything specific," I asked

" Nothing," he said but he was hiding something.

" Caeser we are more than brothers, we share things not hide. I don't talk about safety we all have enemies but we stand together" I said

" It's nothing I just had a feeling that someone was following me," he said.

"Do you want us to look?" I asked.

" No, I am already working on it," he said.

" No that matter is done, what do you think he is planning? Any details" asked Elijah.

" No movement yet, we will have to wait to see," said Ryan.

" Let's head back it's already late" I suggested.

" Morris I need a favour from you"
Author's Note:
I know there are many things that I have not cleared for you. Don't worry either you will know it by the end of this book or will be cleared in other parts of the book.
Guys, it's my first book I request you all to give it a try.
Please vote for my work guys it will give me the motivation to work hard.
I don't own any photos it's from Google.
Do write your opinion to tell me & thanks for reading my work.
I won't keep it long and boring so tata

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