Chapter 20

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"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions."
~Dalai Lama XIV

Siera's Pov
(Check 4 Esoteric to see the person portraying Siera)

"Siera are you done? Nichole is already there and the shoot starts in two minutes," Anne said while touching up her makeup.

"Ya did," I said hurriedly.

"Ya did," I said hurriedly

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(Photoshoot outfit)

Good job guys, keep it up," said Kiran the shoot manager.

"Well done Siera," said Anne.

"You rock girl," said Nichole.

"You guys were also great there," I said."I want to thank you guys for being there with me and for always being my motivation."

"Aww Siera, best friends," said Nichole while giving me and Anne a group hug.
"Yes Reah I am all ready for a fashion show," I said.

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★"Yes Reah I am all ready for a fashion show," I said

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(Siera's fashion show outfit)

"Oh I just love these outfits," Nichole said admiring her in the mirror.

"Let's go you two," I said pointing at both of them.
"Oh my god Carl it's so nice you know how I love dancing so Reah recommend me an advertisement and they selected me. So I am shooting for a perfume advertisement where I get to show some dance moves," I said excitedly.

"I am so happy for you princess and I miss you a lot," he said the last part a bit sadly.

" I miss you too Carl, I have to go now and call you back," I said.

" I miss you too Carl, I have to go now and call you back," I said

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(Advertisement outfit)

In the past two months, I had shoot almost every day and had a fashion show at the end of each month.

Now that these two months are over and I am done with all my work, I have a little surprise for Carl.

"Hey, Reah have you done what I told you?" I asked.
Author's Note:
Guys, it's my first book I request you all to give it a try.
Guys, if you like my work do vote and comment.
You can also message me with your views and comments.
I don't own any photos it's from Google.
Do write your opinion to tell me & thanks for reading my work.
I won't keep it long and boring so tata

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