Agent 01

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I was called into work unexpectedly. I didn't know what was happening but it was an Amber Alert so I assumed something bad.

I got dressed into my signature black dress and heels and I straightened my hair. I did my normal makeup which consisted off a brow pencil, three mascaras and lip gloss. I put my gun holster on which was like a backpack. My handgun sat in one of the holsters under my left arm. I grabbed my handbag and I left my apartment and walked to the car waiting outside for me.

The driver in the front gave me a quick nod and started driving. This was my day to day life but something felt off.

We finally got to headquarters and I got out of the car. I looked around and it was silent. No one was in sight. I clicked confidently in my heels to the door which was opened for me by the two doormen.

I walked up to the reception. The new receptionist stood up promptly with a clipboard in hand.

"Agent 99! I'm Clara, the new receptionist." She introduced herself and held her hand out. Her voice was high and piercing and her extreme English accent made her sound even more annoying.
I shook it and smiled.

"Clara, nice to meet you. Where have I to go?" I asked, flipping my hair to the back of me.

"Right! Yes, uh let's see," She flipped through the pieces of paper on her clipboard.

"Mr Stone wants to see you in his office. Promptly." She gulped nervously.

"Thanks." I nodded and walked to the elevator and clicked the button. I walked in and the doors closed. I pressed the top floor which required me to scan my badge. I took it out of my handbag and scanned it. Then the lift started moving.

After 32 floors I finally got to the top. The doors opened and I was met with an armed guard.

"Hello Agent 99." He bowed slightly.
"Hello Agent." I responded before strutting my way down the long, wide hallway. It smelt like bleach and the walls were pristine white. my heels clicked along the wooden floor and I stopped to knock on Mr Stone's door.

"Come in!" He shouted. I opened the door and walked in. Mr Stone was sitting in his usual spot behind his desk.

"Hello Agent 99. How was the drive?" He asked as he stood up.

"Okay." I smiled and we shook hands before sitting down at either sides of his desk.

Mr Stone had been the MI6 boss for 15 years now. He was older and more traditional but I liked him as a boss. He was the only person that ever really believed in me and I trust him.

"So, why am I here?" I asked, crossing my legs and sitting my handbag down.

"We've had a certain crisis." Mr Stone pulled out a folder and handed it to me.

"The Greek mafia have killed 17 agents that were from MI6." Mr Stone told me as I flipped through the folder, looking at the analytics and the pictures of the murders.

"You've dealt with the Greeks before so you know what they're like. But this time...something's different."
I nodded, "I can tell."

"We think they have a new leader and we need you to find this person and eliminate them and whoever works for them."
I shot a glance at him and furrowed my brows.

"You want me to eliminate the leader of the Greek mafia and all of their accomplices by myself?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"No." He shook his head and stood up out of his chair.

"You'll have help." He smiled.
Mr Stone never smiled like that. This was going to be either amazing or horrible.

"From who?" I inquired, closing the folder and sitting it on his desk.

"From me." A voice came from behind me. I stood up and turned around. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Agent 01?"

"Agent 99. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand.

"I thought you died 4 years ago." I shook his hand slowly, my eyes wide and my mouth agape.

"Yeah didn't stick." He smirked at me. "And don't sound so disappointed. You'll love me." He leaned in to the shake and I could smell his minty breath.

I had seen pictures of Agent 01 before. Every agent in the field knew who he was. He was every new-comer's dream agent. But he looked very different from the pictures.
He was attractive. Handsome, even. He wasn't too tall but he was taller than me. He had a three-piece suit on. Black and white. Keeping it classy and simple.
He smelled of aftershave and fresh laundry. His hair was gelled back but one curl kept escaping from the gel and it fell down onto his left brow which looked wild. He had chocolate eyes and his hair matched. His jaw was sharp and his face was strong but soft at the same time.

"You two will be leaving tomorrow." Mr Stone said, walking back behind his desk.

"You'll be playing husband and wife so when you get on the plane to Greece, you'll have to make up your backstory." I quickly glanced at him and he smiled and looked me up and down.

"Your bags will be packed for you with clothes and weapons that you need. You are allowed to bring one carry on bag which has personal things." Mr Stone sat down at his desk.

"This is a very dangerous case. But you two are the best agents in the MI6 so I know you can do this." He looked at us both.

"Be here, 8 o'clock. Don't be late." Mr Stone warned as he sat down with an 'oomph'. "Thank you, sir." I said and grabbed my bag.

"99?" He called. I looked at him.
"Get those mother fuckers." He smirked.
"I won't let you down." I smiled and walked to the door.
"You never do!" He shouted as Agent 01 and I left his office and walked down the hallway, into the elevator. I clicked the bottom floor and we started moving.

"I hear they call you 'The Cat'." 01 said.
"Yeah. I still don't know if it's flattering or an insult." I sighed.

"I think it's flattering." He shrugged. Silence. "So how was being dead for 4 years?" I asked.

He sniffed, "Boring."
I chuckled, "Thought so."

The lift dinged and we walked out together. "Nice meeting you, Clara." I smiled to her. "Nice meeting you too Agent!" She stood up. The doormen opened the doors for me and I looked back. 01 was chatting the poor girl up.

I rolled my eyes and thanked the doormen. I clicked my way to the car and got in.
"Back home, agent?" The driver asked.
"Yes please." I smiled and the car started.

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