Wheel of the Year

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Wheel of the Year

These are the four major and four minor holidays or Sabbats that a lot of modern-day pagans/witches/wiccans celebrate. They represent the changing of the seasons and other important natural changes in the world throughout the year. My interests may not fall with all of these Sabbats but there are a few that interest me and that I would like to integrate as celebrations and traditions into my life.

Imbolc (February 1st)

The first of the major sabbats and is marked as the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox


· dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Brigid, Imbolc is also known as Brigid's day

· Origin of name is unclear but the most recognized and possible origin comes from the Irish word "imbolg" meaning "of the belly" and refers to the pregnancy of ewes

Correspondences of Imbolc

· Brown, lilac, white, grey, baby blue

· Groundhog, ewe, snakes, owl, bear, stag, hibernating animals, swan

· Angelica, basil, bay, vanilla, chamomile, rosemary

· Amethyst, bloodstone, onyx, ruby, turquoise, garnet

Celebrating Imbolc

· Spring cleaning

· Hold a feast

· Create a Brigid's cross

· Making candles or ice candles

· Make a flower crown

· Make a priapic wand (dick wand)

· If you do not have a hearth in your home, light seven candles to call the Sun (Refer to Seven Candle Ritual)


Brigid's doll and Procession

1. Create the doll (usually created by the men of the house outside of the home) dress in white and adjourn with flowers, herbs, stones, etc. always place a seashell over the heart

2. Create a bed for the Brigid's doll. Place at the hearth of the home or on the altar of the home

3. Hold a procession at the time of the feast to bring the doll into the home and welcome the spirit into the doll

4. Provide a seat at the table of the feast for the doll

5. After the feast, place the doll in it's bed for the evening

Seven Candle Ritual

You will need

· Seven candles in corresponding Imbolc colors

· Something to contain candles/hold fires

· Something to light candles with


1. ALWAYS prepare for ritual

2. Light first candle and recite :although it is now dark, I come seeking the light"

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