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The wiccans celebrate each of the twelve months of the year as well as the eight Sabbats. Each month has a full moon where the power of the Esbat is at its peak. When a 13th full moon occurs in a year, there is two full moons in one of the twelve months. This is called a blue moon. I will be looking into the moon phases as I've noticed that full moons have a physical/emotional/spiritual effect on me. As far as the Esbats; I do agree that each month of the year is representative of its season and thus holds power in it so taking into consideration the Wiccan Esbats is of interest for me.

January-Wolf Moon (old moon, winter moon, after yule moon)

· Protection, strength and planning for the future

· Feeling out of sorts is normal as it is still cold and dark outside but the days are beginning to lengthen

· Write a list of resolutions and things you would like to accomplish in the year to come

· Perfect time to connect and reflect on yourself and your deities

· Silver/black/white

· Birch/rowan

· Element of air

· Marjoram/thistles/nuts

· Haematite

February- Quickening Moon (hunger moon, storm moon, death moon)

· new beginnings perfect time to put new plans into action

· cleanse what is negative and no longer of value or positivity to you

· health, confidence, motivation, fertility, and banishing negativity

· purple/blue/silver

· element of fire

· rowan/ash

· sage/myrtle

· rose quartz/jasper/amethyst

March- Chaste Moon (seed moon, crust moon, worm moon)

· welcome the spring and shake of unmotivated mindset

· stop procrastinating

· new and exciting change requires preparation

· green/yellow/lavender

· element of the moon

· Ash/alder

· Apple blossom/wood betony/basil

· Aquamarine/aqua aura quartz/bloodstone

April-Seed Moon (pink moon, wind moon, egg moon)

· Examine ALL areas of life and decide if you are happy with your life direction

· Career, ambition, power, money and love

· Bright motivational colors; red/yellow/blue

· Hazel/willow

· Element of air

· Fennel/dill/dandelion/milkweed

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