Chapter 6 - Kiss

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Muskaan had avoided Ishaan the next days. She was aware that Ishaan had done nothing, but she just couldn't stand being near him. She hated how Divya had wrecked their happiness. Worst was the fact that he didn't even care.

Muskaan was making her way downstairs when she saw Ishaan sitting there. She quickly wanted to turn around and go back, but Ishaan stopped her. She sighed and turned around and walked up to him.
"You called me?" Muskaan asked a little annoyed.
"Yes, why are you avoiding me?" He asked concerned.
"Me, avoiding you? Why would I avoid my own husband?" She said and laughed sarcastically.
"Look Muskan, I can't understand what's wrong unless you tell me." Ishaan said confused.
"Why don't you ask Divya what's wrong!" She snapped and walked away. He let out a sigh. He couldn't understand what was wrong with her and why she hated Divya so much. Divya was a good person, at least he thought so.

Few hours later of course once again Divya came so they could work on some paperwork. Muskaan went to play in the garden with the twins. If it wouldn't be for the twins she wouldn't know what to do. She sighed. Muskaan tried to hold back her tears. Suddenly the twins came up running to her and hugged her. She couldn't help it but smile.
"Momma no upwset!" Maryam said and looked up with her big hazel eyes.

"How could mommy be upset when she got two angels like you!" Muskaan replied and embraced them both with a tight hug.

"Who wants some lemonade?" Muskaan said and tried to enlighten the atmosphere. "Me!" Both squeaked at the same time. Muskaan let out a little giggle and made her way to the kitchen. Just as she was about to enter she heard talking from the kitchen. Ishaan and Divya were having a conversation. Muskaan knew it was wrong to spy on other people, but she couldn't help it, she was too curious. Muskaan put her ear closer to the door and spied on them through the slightly open door.

"Okay thanks Divya, I'll correct the papers and send them to the japanese people tomorrow." Ishaan said.

"Okay that's great, see you tomorrow then at the meeting?" Divya said. Nothing interesting Muskaan thought. Muskaan assumed she could enter now, since it seemed like that Divya was about to leave. She looked through the little gap and to her surprise she saw the most disturbing image possible. how in the world she looked away for one second!!

Muskaan's head started spinning, how could he do this to her?! That disgusting pig! Tears started flowing down her cheeks. She felt sick. "I hate you Ishaan!" Muskan screamed and ran upstairs. She made sure to lock the doors, so he couldn't get in. Muskaan hated Ishaan, what did she do to deserve this heartbreak? How could he just kiss her? why would he betray his wife like that? why just why?


Ishaan was just about to hug Divya goodbye as she leaned in for a kiss. Ishaan was shocked and practically froze for a second. Before he could do anything he heard Muskaan screaming "I hate you." What a timing he thought. His heart sank. Of course she would misinterpret it and of course she had to burst through the doors at such a moment.

"Divya how could you?! Leave my house now and don't ever come back!" Ishaan yelled.

"oh please, don't act so innocent! as if you didn't enjoy it! and I mean come on why hang on her if you can have me?! I'm so much better for you!" Divya said trying to throw her lips onto him again. this time he blocked it.

"you disgust me, leave!"

"fine, this isn't over yet though!" Divya rolled her eyes at him and left.

He immediately ran after Muskaan and tried to open the door.

"Muskaan please let me explain!" He said frustrated.

"Leave me alone! I hate you! I never want to see you again! Crazy you called me? Crazy now am I!?" She yelled. Muskaan felt such an ache in her heart. Ishaan was afraid of losing her. What could he do to make her understand that he didn't cheat. Muskaan wanted to be as far away as possible from this place and especially from him. She quickly grabbed a bag and filled it with her stuff. She had to go, she couldn't be here with him any longer. She opened the door and quickly went to the children's room.

"What are you doing?! Muskaan please you can't leave me!" Ishaan begged.

"Shut up Ishaan, you should've thought before you kissed someone else!" Muskan hissed.

"But I didn't kiss her, let me explain!" He sighed.

"I saw you two, why are you still lying to me?!" Muskaan said with a shaky voice. She fought back her tears, she didn't want to show how bad he had broke her. Muskaan grabbed the twins stuff and ran downstairs.

"Muskaan I don't allow you to leave me and take the kids!"

"Oho you don't allow me? Watch me!" Muskaan went into the garden. before she could do anything else Ishaan grabbed her gently by the wrist and stopped her.
"let me go!" she hissed.

"Muskaan you're doing a big mistake!I didnt kiss her, she kissed me, I would never do such a thing to you, I love you!"

"it doesn't matter anymore now does it! I've been sick and tired of this whole Divya crap and you didn't even care, now go and be with her!" she managed to free herself from his grip and run towards the kids.

"Kids, we're going away for a few days, daddy won't join us!" Muskaan quickly explained. Of course the twins had no clue what was going on, but were also afraid of saying anything. Ishaan wanted to stop her so badly, but he did not know how. all he could do is watch the love of his life go away with his children..

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