Chapter 8 - Thoughts

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The next day Muskaan seemed to be more calm. She hadn't slept much. She had spent her time thinking. Muskaan had to think about everything. The situation between her and Ishaan was tensed. She was also aware of the fact that her best friend was right at some point. She couldn't be selfish and do something without considering his rights to see the kids and so on. Yet she couldn't get that disgusting image out of her head. Everytime she closed her eyes she saw them kissing. Muskaan just couldn't face him yet. It was too hard for her. The kiss just killed her. She sighed and finally got up from the bed. Muskaan was grateful for her best friend and her hospitality.

"Muskaan, you have a visitor!" Lucía yelled from downstairs.

"I don't want to see anybody!" She yelled back.

A knock on the door appeared.

"Not even me?" Vaani smiled slightly while poking her head through the door.

"Oh I'm sorry love, come in!"
Muskaan hadn't expected a visit from her. She assumed she had stayed with her father and would continue to do so. Vaani walked towards Muskaan and embraced her with a tight hug.

"I came here to talk with you."

"How can I help you?"
Muskaan said and suggested her to sit down on the bed with her.

"Look, you need to talk to dad! There's a huge misunderstanding going on! You're not doing the right thing."

"Vaani, please not you too.. I saw him kiss her what else was I supposed to do?"

"But that's the thing, dad didn't cheat on you! She kissed him. He was trying to explain this to you the whole time but you just left."
Muskaan stayed silent for some time. She needed time to think and process this situation. She stood up and walked towards the window. She stood there with her back faced at Vaani. Muskaan stared at the window and tried to collect her thoughts. How did her life turn upside down within a few seconds. She sighed. She didn't know what to think or what to say. Even if he didn't cheat on her he wasn't as innocent as he portrayed to be. He had to have done something so she thought she had permission to kiss him.

"Look Vaani.. let's say even if he didn't cheat on me. He did things that led to this misery!"

"I understand that he didn't pay much attention to you or us, but you also have to understand his point of view."

"I don't know.. I just can't.."

"Maa, I'm not trying to take sides or anything, I'm just trying to solve this issue here. I want our happy lifes back and you two together and it won't happen unless you two talk to each other!" Vaani explained.

"You're right.. maybe I'll talk to him, just not yet. I can't face him. It still hurts."

"I know.. take your time, but please talk to him, if not for him or you then for your children's sake."
Vaani hugged Muskaan tightly and left. Muskaan continued to stand there in silence. She felt as if her head was going to explode. Was she too harsh on him? Who cares. He treated her badly! At least now he knows what it feels like! No she shouldn't think like this! She just needed time before she could face Ishaan again and sort this issue. Muskaan needed fresh air before her thoughts would suffocate her. She walked downstairs, grabbed her jacket and put on her shoes.

"Lucía I'll be back soon, please take care of the kids, I just need some fresh air."

"Of course, don't worry about it."
Muskaan gave her friend a thankful look and said goodbye to her and the twins before she left the house. Muskaan walked towards the park. She took a stroll through the park. The park had something beautiful about it. Whenever she walked through it, it was as if the wind sorted her thoughts and the atmosphere calmed her soul.
She continued to walk until she bumped into a oddly familiar person.

"Oh my god, Alex, what are you doing here? I thought you were in France!"

"Hello Muskaan, it's nice to see you again. Well I was, till last week. I came here for some business." Alex, Muskaan's Ex-fiancé said.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again. What have you been up to? It's been a long time!"

"Indeed. Three years almost if I'm not mistaken. You're still looking as beautiful as ever I have to say."

"Thank you." Muskaan mumbled while blushing.

"Can I invite you to a coffee? For old times sake and catching up."

"Sure, there's a café nearby we could go to."

"Well then what are we waiting for let's go."
Muskaan and Alex walked over to the café and sat down while ordering something to drink.

"So tell me, what have you been up to these years?" Muskaan asked curiously while drinking her coffee.

"Same old same old. I'm still a teacher at the school. Actually principal now. What about you?"

"That's great, congrats! I'm still a teacher as well, am married now and have 2 year old twins."

"Oh wow congrats to you too, you seem to be very happy."

"I am." Sort of she thought to herself. "You're not mad at me anymore?"

"Muskaan the past is in the past! We should put that behind us. How about we start new and fresh, friends?" He said and reached her his hand. She took it and shook it.

"Friends." Muskaan smiled.

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