Chapter 7 - Gone

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Muskaan had taken the kids and walked towards her car and seated them in their seats. She quickly stored away their bags and sat down on the driver's seat. Before starting the car Muskaan texted Vaani.
She didn't want to worry Vaani and let her know where she was heading to. If Vaani wanted to join Muskaan she had to decide for herself. After she finished texting her she started the engine and drove to her very trusted and beloved best friend. Lucía was the first person she'd always trouble with her problems. They had the kind of friendship that was just based on love and was not one sided. Whenever Lucía had to vent Muskaan was all ears and now what Muskaan had to vent she was sure Lucía would be all ears too. She drove towards her house. After a half an hour drive they arrived. Muskaan got out of the car and put out the twins too. She took their luggage and went to the door to ring the bell. It didn't take long for Lucía to open the door.

"omg hi Muskaan, what are you doing here? and you brought along my two favorite companions!" Lucía said as cheerful as ever while greeting everyone by giving them a hug.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you or anything, but I could really use some best friend advice." she said sadly.

"of course, come in! I made plenty of cookies!" Sameer and Maryam cheerfully ran in followed by Muskaan and Lucía.

"tell me what happened?" her friend asked her concerned. Muskaan planted herself down on the couch and just let out a sigh. she didn't even know where to begin. she tried to collect her thoughts before saying anything. her best friend understood that she needed some time so she figured out a way to keep the children busy for a bit. Lucía put on a movie for the twins and put some cookies on the plate for them which she handed out to them.

"your mommy and I will be in the kitchen having grownup talk, if you want anything let me know." Lucía said to the kids. she took her best friend by the hand and dragged her into the kitchen.

"can I get you something?" she asked.

"no thank you." Muskaan sighed.
both of them sat down on the bar chairs next to the kitchen island.

"now tell me, what happened?"

"so much.. I don't even know what to do anymore." Muskaan said while tearing up.
she took a deep breath before continuing.

"so you remember Divya, his new assistant or whatever? I told you about her. anyway today as I was walking into the kitchen I saw Ishaan and her... ki... kissing." she said breaking out in tears. Lucía hugged Muskaan and comforted her. she gently pat her back.

"hey calm down sweetie. it's going to be alright. we can sort this out. I promise!"

"what am I supposed to do? he cheated on me! with that lousy scoundrel and that after all we've been through!! oh how could he do this to me." she began crying even more.

"look, I don't think Ishaan would be the type to cheat on you! he loves you far too much for that, are you sure you saw them kissing?"

"yes I saw them with my own two eyes! its practically burned into my eyes now."

"maybe this is some kind of misunderstanding? you shouldn't jump into conclusions you know?" Lucía sighed and tried to help out her friend in this tough situation.

"what could've possibly be a misunderstanding with that!? he cheated and that's it. ugh I never wanna see him again!" Muskaan hissed.

"now calm down there. you have to sort this out with him. if not for your sake think of your kids!"
Muskaan let out a sigh. she knew her friend was right at some point. no matter how much hate she felt towards Ishaan right now she had no right to take the kids away from him. in the end they were his children too and he has the right to see them.

"thank you Luc, for always being there for me."

"of course. that's what besties are therefore.
Muskaan and Lucía spend the evening chatting away while Lucía tried to keep Muskaan calm.

Meanwhile Vaani had just reached home. As soon as school ended she headed home quickly. She had read the message in her break and was devastated and furious. Vaani bursted into the house and called out for her father. She didn't know what had exactly happened, just that Muskaan had left. She couldn't bare the thought of her parents being separated and on top of that being without her siblings.

"Dad where are you? Oh there you are! What the hell happened here?"

"Vaani calm down.." Ishaan said.

"Calm? How can you stay calm, what happened between you and mom?"

Ishaan sighed. "It's just crazy. Muskaan misunderstood something and just left.."

"And what exactly did she misunderstand??"

"You know Divya? She just kissed me.. and to my luck Muskaan just came into the kitchen at that moment. I didn't cheat on her, Divya just kissed me. But Muskaan thinks otherwise and of course became furious and left."

"Oh dad. I know you didn't cheat on her. But you haven't been giving her much attention lately. I just think this all is a huge misunderstanding." Vaani said and gave her father a big hug.

"I just want them to come back.."

"Don't worry paa, we'll find a way to solve this.."

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