Chapter Three

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You woke up against Reid's chest. When you tried to move and check the time, you found that you were imprisoned under his long arms. Spencer groaned at your movement and shifted to lay on his side, freeing you from his grasp. "Good morning" he said groggily as you stood up. "Good morning sleepy head" you teased as he sat up, running his fingers through his hair.

Spencer stayed with you for the entirety of the day after you mentioned not having plans. He lounged on the couch in the center of the living room in a pair of faded jeans and a loose green t-shirt as you cleaned up around the house. You were still in your pajamas, blue and gray striped shorts with a blue tank top, and you could feel his eyes on you.

"A picture lasts longer" you snapped playfully, in response he only tapped his temple with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and lunged across the living room to grab a pillow from the couch and hit him upside the head with it.

"Ouch" Spencer whined, dramatically rubbing his head before grabbing the other pillow and retaliating. Before long you were both laughing messes lying on the floor. On the way down you must have bumped your cheek on the coffee table because it now had a large red mark. As you tried to catch your breath, Spencer continued to bombard you with pillow attacks.

Upon noticing the mark, he immediately dropped his pillow and leaned towards you to inspect it "I'm so sorry Y/N. Does it hurt? Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" He was carefully examining your bruised cheek. "Spencer I hit it on the table when we fell. It's not a big deal. Do you need to kiss it to make it better? " you playfully teased him "as you wish" he then ducked in to kiss your cheek, you turned to face him not realizing what was happening as his lips met yours. You both pulled back in shock.

"I- I am so sorry. I didn't realize you were actually gonna do it. I didn't mean to tur-" he cut you off with a kiss. His left hand moved to cup your face, long fingers reaching the base of your neck, while his right planted itself on the floor beside your hip. If any other man had silenced you with a kiss you would have bitten him, but this was no regular man. This was Spencer Reid.

His lips were slightly chapped from his constant chewing on them. You could feel the want in his kiss as his tongue teased your lips, your own coming out to meet his. He slowly pulled away, kissing the tip of your nose before moving away completely.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that" he said quietly, deliberately not looking at you. You laughed awkwardly. "The feeling is mutual" you replied, moving to the couch and pulling him up with you. You pretended not to notice him searching your face for a reaction, you also pretended not to feel the heat in your cheeks or the thundering of your heart in your chest as you decided whether or not to take the leap of faith and kiss him again.

Leaning forward on the couch you made eye contact, "Spence" you whispered before burying your hands in his hair and kissing him again. He froze momentarily before pulling your hips into him, kissing you back roughly.

He tasted faintly of mint as your lips parted under his and his tongue teased your bottom lip. You untangled your left hand from his hair and let it trail down his toned stomach. Without disconnecting your lips, you twisted to place one leg on either side of him, straddling his lap.

Spencer groaned into the kiss as you started slowly grinding against the bulge now appearing in his pants. His hands travelled down your sides, pausing at your hips to quicken your pace as his mouth moved from yours down to your jaw and then down your neck. You could feel the hickies he was leaving, occasionally biting lightly on the soft skin of your neck, his tongue tracing over where his teeth had been a second ago.

Spencer made his way back to your lips and kissed you roughly. Both of you were breathing raggedly when he pulled away. Sliding one arm securely under the base of your thighs, he used his other to push you both up from the couch. Once he was fully upright you wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his erection pressed against you, his perfect throat caught your attention and you busied yourself peppering it with kisses and a few hickies as he carried you towards the bedroom.

Setting you down in front of the bed, Spencer tugged lightly on the bottom of your shirt, asking for permission. You nodded and he pulled it off as you palmed him through his jeans, smirking when he groaned out a long "fuuuuck Y/N". Once your shirt was off he quickly pulled his own over his head. You pulled down and stepped out of your shorts and panties, purposefully putting your head as close to his bulge as possible, knowing he was imagining your lips around it.

Spencer pushed you backwards onto the bed before kneeling beside it. Pulling you closer and putting your legs over his shoulders he muttered "you're so wet, and to think I haven't done more than kiss you" he was obviously enjoying the effect he had on you. Before you could react, he began sucking your clit and you shuddered in response. He began expertly moving his tongue over your pussy, earning more and more moans from you. Finally, he gave you the sensation you so desperately needed by slipping two of his long fingers inside you. He thrusted them in and out of you until you were starting to shake lightly when he began curling them against your g spot. Your hips buckled towards him of their own accord and his laughter sent vibrations up your spine.

A few more seconds of Spencer thrusting his fingers inside of you while sucking on the throbbing bundle of nerves between your legs and you would have cum all over his fingers. Seeming to know this, he pulled away tapping the fingers that had just been inside you against your bottom lip "suck" he ordered, watching hungrily as you did. He began kissing down your body chuckling slowly when you whimpered. "I'm sorry. You're gonna have to tell me what you want" Spencer teased and when you only whimpered in reply he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look in his eyes "what? Y/N I can't understand you?" You'd never seen him look so evil, it was sexy.

"Spence. . .jesus fuck. .Please just fuck me already" you said between gasps while you squeezed your legs together in an attempt to regain friction. Spencer chuckled and planted a kiss against the tip of your nose saying "what the lady wants, she gets"

The sound of his belt being undone made you want him more, his jeans hitting the floor made you quiver in anticipation while he lined himself up at your entrance. After putting your ankles on his shoulders he paused for what seemed like forever "Spencer please" you whined, to which he only smiled and slammed into you, not bothering to gradually build up speed. The shock of his sudden force forced a loud moan from your throat.

The sound seemingly spurred him on, he kept his quick pace and leaned down to kiss you again. Moaning into the kiss, you buried one hand in his hair. He noticed as you slid the other down to your clit. Watching you play with yourself seemed to ignite a new hunger within him, he began to slow his thrusts "Ugh. . Spencer please don't stop"

"Oh? You want me to keep going then?" He asked smirking down at you. You merely nodded, breathing heavily, and watched as his smirk grew to a full grin and he restarted his quick thrusts into you, shoving your fingers out of the way to rub your clit himself while his mouth moved to your throat.

With Spencer filling you up, teasing your clit, and sucking on your neck it was minutes before you came for him. You tightening around him made you both moan at the new sensation. He wasn't stopping anything though and soon your second orgasm was building in the pit of your stomach. His mouth curled in a smile against your neck when you began to shake after you came again. "What's wrong Y/N? I thought you didn't want me to stop" Spencer teased, enjoying your inability to speak. Shoving his mouth back onto yours he thrust once more and shot his cum deep inside you with a loud moan against your mouth, shifting his grip to your shaking legs and laying on your chest as you both came down from your high.

He soon pulled out of you and rolled over to lay beside you, breathing heavily. As his breathing calmed he pulled on his underwear while you disappeared to the bathroom to shower.

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