Chapter Forty

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You stared at Spencer, mouth open in shock. "I- did he just accept? Was that a yes? When are we doing this? Oh lord," you had begun pacing the length of the living room as the reality of what you'd agreed to settled in. Spencer interrupted your pacing by enveloping you in a tight embrace. He pulled back to look you in the eyes, "you can always say no my darling. I can call Hotch right now and cancel everything."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. You grabbed his wrist, stilling his movements, "I wanna do this. I just want the details. When and where. That sort of thing." A sexy smile spread across his face, carving his dimples into his cheeks. "I'll text him and we'll get it all figured out," he paused to press a sultry kiss to your lips, teasing your tongue with his own, "as soon as I know anything I'll tell you. I promise."

The date was set, Hotch was coming over in two days. After Jack was asleep Hotch planned to leave him with his Aunt. Spencer wasn't letting you know anything he had planned and that was equally as exciting as it was frustrating.

Time had passed incredibly quickly as the day approached. You tried to think of it as little as possible in order to keep from dissolving into nerves, but suddenly Hotch was walking through Spencer's front door and your heart was racing anxiously. His eyes roamed over your body unabashedly before he turned to Spencer, "you're sure that you're both," his eyes flashed momentarily to you, "okay with this?"

You smiled at the geniune concern in Hotch's voice while Spencer spoke, "yep," he looked to you and you nodded in agreeance, "you're familiar with the rules and comfortable with the game I've organized?" Your face twisted with confused excitement and Hotch nodded. "Alright then, shall we?" Spencer gestured to his bedroom, slapping your ass as you walked by.

As soon as Spencer was through the door he gripped the back of your neck, turning you to face him before kissing you passionately. You got lost in the feeling of his mouth against yours and almost forgot Hotch. Spencer moved to place sloppy kisses all along your neck, extremely aware of Hotch's eyes on you both.

As soon as your neck was blossoming with hickies and you were struggling to contain your breathing, Spencer pulled your shirt over your head. His eyes lingered on your chest as he began shrugging out of his suit jacket. You heard clothes rustling behind you but didn't take your eyes off of Spencer as he backed you towards his bed.

Spencer kissed you once more, bowing your body to his and letting his hands roam over you. "Now we're going to play a little game love," at this Hotch stepped up beside him, missing his suit jacket, with his silver tie in his hand. They towered over you. "First, I need you to tell us your safeword," you were confused by his order but quickly obeyed, "daydreams." Spencer smiled slightly. "Perfect. Now I want you to strip."

Your eyes flashed to Hotch for a moment but Spencer gripped your chin harshly, forcing you to look at him. "Are you refusing an order, slut?" The word brought immediate heat to your stomach, "no sir." Spencer released your chin roughly and you noticed Hotch react to sir coming from your mouth. You quickly unclasped your bra and stepped out of your pants and panties, feeling wholly exposed before them. "Now, Hotch's gonna blindfold you."

You smiled wickedly at the idea and turned your back to Hotch so he could effectively tie the blindfold over your eyes. Using his tie, he yanked you so your body was flush against his and he pressed his clothed erection into your bare ass. Spencer's hands were suddenly on your body, pressing you closer into Hotch and caressing your exposed skin. Unexpectedly, Hotch's teeth were grazing your earlobe. You shuddered excitedly in their arms as your breathing became uneven.

"Now, pretty thing, I'm gonna tie your hands behind your back and the real fun can start," Spencer yanked you from Hotch by your upper arms. He turned you around roughly and tied your wrists together with his purple tie, leaving enough room to keep from hurting your shoulders or causing nerve damage. He kissed you once on the mouth, laughing when you tried to follow his retreat. There was a beat of excited silence before Spencer picked you up bridal style and carefully set you on your stomach horizontally across the bed.

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