Speaking Out

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Hey, everyone.

If you live in the US, you definitely know what's going on, but since this is  a BTS ff and they tweeted out about this last night then you all probably have at least somewhat of an idea of what's going on.

If you don't, and you're confused, an innocent black man by the name of George Floyd was murdered at the hands of four officers who went to arrest him on the charge of a counterfeit $20 bill. This sadly isn't a unique case, and has only been a sad instance added on to the long list of murders committed by cops against innocent black people.

This has been going on since the creation of the police force, which was originally created to round up runaway slaves, and has a history of being connected to white supremacy groups like the Klu Klux Klan in their efforts to attack more innocent black people.

The case of George Floyd, captured on video, has been the tipping point for anger and sadness within the black community and has sparked this series of protests. This isn't the first; protests like these have started back during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's, continuing through to the case of Rodney King in the 90's (a black man beaten up at the hands of fourteen officers, also videotaped, but none charged with anything), and has led us here.

For the past week I've been advocating and spreading information online, but I think it's time I come out on here as well.

As a biracial black and Hispanic woman myself, writing a story involving one that will discuss the issues of racism, I think expressing my anguish, my anger, and my disappointment is important.

But I also want to express how proud I am.

I have seen a larger amount of non-poc involvement in this. I've had my white friends and acquaintances come to me in texts and dms saying they were sorry that they can never fully understand, but are here for me and are advocating for me, and that has been so dearly comforting.

And can I say just how absolutely PROUD I am of the kpop community? We have been flooding racist, anti-blm, and pro-cop tags with fancams; we CRASHED the Detroit app that called for the identities of protesters. Like??????? I love you all so fucking much??????

Keep advocating. Keep this battle going. The four cops in George Floyd's case were finally arrested yesterday but that doesn't mean there isn't a possibility they won't be acquitted, that doesn't mean there is justice served for the hundreds of black people who have died at the hands of cops and haven't had anything done in their case, that doesn't mean this war isn't over. Racism runs deep worldwide. Stand with everyone. Get the time to understand your fellow POC friends, and if you are don't be afraid to share your own story.

I love you. I am PROUD of you. Keep going, and stay lovely. 💜

I will share my story of racism and homophobia as well (it is pride month! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜) here:

I will share my story of racism and homophobia as well (it is pride month! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜) here:

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