Barry woke up that morning in a, less than good, mood. He went and made breakfast for himself and his sister, eggs, bacon, and toast being breakfast. It was a workday so he went to wake up his twin sister.
He thundered to her room and, throwing open the door, yelled, "Good morning!"
Bailey tumbled out of the bed, landing with her legs still on the bed, but her whole top half flopped on the floor. "I hate you," She pouted.
"I made breakfast," He told her, trying to appease the dragon that was his twin sister.
"Oh, good." She popped right up and went to go take her shower. Barry left the room and went to flip the bacon.
After an extremely uneventful breakfast, Barry used his enhanced speed to run the two to work. They began investigating a murder case, having found a bit of blood, they were doing a DNA test.
At around noon, Bailey announced that she would be going to get a sub from Subway. Oliver had texted Barry earlier that he would be bringing burgers to the CCPD for the CSI, Thea was going to meet them at the station later.
Barry was just sitting around, using this time to get caught up on the current celebrity drama. After a while of tapping through all of his friend's Instagram stories, a voice spoke from behind him, "Hey, Bear."
Barry turned and saw his boyfriend, Oliver Queen standing by the door with two bags of Big Belly Burger. Barry was excited to see his boyfriend, as the last time they were together was when Barry and Thea told Bailey about their night job.
"Hey, Ollie," Barry hurried over to take the food from his boyfriend's hands, giving Oliver a chaste kiss.
Both men sat across each other at Barry's desk and they began to eat their burgers.
Barry couldn't help but feel bad about hiding a small part of himself from Oliver. Sebastian was a huge part of Barry's life, especially his high school life. Sebastian wouldn't be able to hide inside Barry's brain forever, Oliver would notice, so Barry might as well just tell him.
"Ollie, there's something I need to tell you," Barry said as he took a bite of the burger in his hand.
"Ok," Oliver said, motioning for Barry to go on.
"In middle school, some things happened, basically I was forced to move schools." Oliver looked shocked. "Freshman year I spent in Paris with my Aunt and Uncle, relatives of my Mom. Sophomore year I moved to Ohio and went to Dalton Academy."
"I thought this was gonna be something serious." Oliver laughed but seeing Barry's flat face he stopped.
"I changed in high school, Oliver. It wasn't a good time for me." Barry sighed, "I began to go by my middle name, Sebastian and by my Uncle's last name, Smythe."
"So Sebastian Smythe?" Oliver asked.
"Yep." The brunette took a bite of the burger in his hand.
Oliver took a long look at his boyfriend, he noticed Barry fidgeting with his fingers, acting panicky. "Barry are you OK?" He asked.
"I did some bad things," Barry whispered. "I almost blinded a friend, I hurt a lot of people."
Oliver took his boyfriend's hand over the table, "I hurt people too, you know that you forgave me. I forgive you."
Barry smiled, got up and hugged Oliver, placing his head in the crook of his boyfriend's neck.
"Barry, can you get these idiots off my back so I can finish my sandwich." Bailey walked in the door, with five men following her.
Barry turned to the door and did a double-take, seeing his old friends from Dalton Academy. Jeff and Nick were poking each other, Thad and Wes were chatting with Trent.
"Stop poking me," Jeff said and poked his boyfriend.
"No, you stop poking me," Nick poked back.
Sebastian stood up, "Why don't you both stop poking each other."
"Bassy!" The five grown men yelled. Barry got a flashback to his years at Dalton. They ran towards him, practically barrelling into Sebastian, who was lucky to be held up by his boyfriend.
"Jeez, could you guys be more ridiculous?" Sebastian pushed the idiots away.
"Sebastian, how are you?" David asked, politely.
Bailey, who had resituated at her desk with her sandwich, spoke up, "Bear is fine, now can I eat my sandwich with no interruptions?"
Barry rolled his eyes, "Let's go for some coffee ok, get out of Bailey's hair." Barry led his old glee club teammates out of the room, Oliver following along.
I hope you like the new chapter, its a bit short but I quite like it. Comment if you have any other ideas as to who and how people should meet Sebastian/Barry.
Rejoined with the Warblers
FanfictionBarry Allen used to be Sebastian Smythe during his time at Dalton Academy. He never told anyone but his twin sister, Bailey Allen. When the Warblers and New Direction's find Sebastian, will he be the same, snarky, teen they used to know? #1 on the f...