"I Love Rock and Roll" Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

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The blinding light over took your vision and then everything was black. You woke up lying in the soft lush grass, shooting up you looked around. Wasn't I just in the middle of the city? Why the hell are there trees all around me? You rose to your feet and started walking straight. "Hey, girl are you ok?" All of a sudden a dark skinned girl ran over to you. Her long hair was dyed a light flamingo pink and braided tightly in cornrows. She wore a white long sleeved shirt under a tight dark red and navy blue plaid dress that came down to mid thigh.

"I, Uh... where am I?" You stared at the pretty girl eyes narrowed, "and why are you speaking English?"

The girl looked really concerned, "Because we are in America? What am I supposed to say to that? Did you hit your head to hard (Y/N)?

"I, I don't think- well ya. Ya I think I did. Sorry can you remind me your name again?" With this the girl furrowed her brows deeply. "Oh no this must be worse than I thought. I'm Mina. You know your BFF sense forever." you decided that you must be unconscious and this was just some weird dream, so you played along. "O-Oh ya. Now my memory is coming back. Sorry Mina I'm fine now I think." Her face relaxed a little, "when did you change?" She questioned, motioning at your uniform.

"I don't exactly know, sorry." She laughed.

"Honestly (Y/N) you're such a space cadet*. Come on let's just go back to your house and we can check you for anything bad." You nodded and followed her to a sidewalk where you continued walking. "Have you heard the new song by T?" your eyes looked on full of questions, "No?"

She turned to you eyes lighting up. "Really I thought you would be all over that! "Colors" its the bomb."

"Wait you mean ICE-T? But that song came out in '88 I think."

"Uh ya, it came out this year." Upon hearing these words your heart stopped. You were in 1988. America 1988.

"holy shit."

"(Y/N)! Watch your language. What if someone heard you? You would be a total spaz*" she harshly whispered. You blinked rapidly at her, "Um sorry-haha your so right, super uh... what did you say? Spaz?" She looked at you for a bit and just kept walking, a suspicious look on her face. She suddenly stopped in front of a small looking house, you followed her movements turning to look at the door.

"Well go on, open the door." You blinked twice before digging in the backpack which you just realized was on your back. You pulled out a key on a small red string and walked up cautiously to the door. Clearing your throat you unlocked the door with a loud CLICK. You turned back to her, she giggled and pulled you in your door. Low and behold inside was your mother, she smiled at you, "there you two Aces* are." Mina groaned.

"Mrs. (L/N) I told you, nobody says that anymore. That was cool in the 60's." Your mother giggled, "(Y/N) dear, are you ok?" she questioned.

"She fell and hit her head. She's such a ditz*." Mina said laughing. "I'll make sure to check her out, she says she's ok. I wouldn't worry to much." She smiled kindly and dragged you towards what you could only assume was your room.

After talking with Mina for about two hours, getting a feel for your relationship, you slowly realized that it felt like you knew her for, well, all your life. She took her leave later saying that you had to do your homework and 'you are too much of a distraction'. Rummaging through your bag you found your set of homework. If this was a dream why would you do your homework? Then again it was kinda nice reading your native tongue, so just for now, homework.

Finishing quickly you decided to pull out your phone and waist time. Wait! Your phone! Franticly you searched your pockets for it coming up with nothing, not even your wallet. Sighing you turned your attention to the bright red record player, smiling brightly as you walked over to it. "I guess somethings never change, even in my head." You flipped through the albums until you found a Michael Jackson album and turned it on to "Bad". Humming to the familiar music you danced a little around your room, searching through your clothing in your closet. It was filled with shoulder pads, denim, and bright colors, but over all not as cliché as you thought it would be.

After 'meeting' your parents and eating dinner you drifted off into a nice sleep. Maybe you would wake up in your time again, but deep down you felt something was off.

Waking up to your mother yelling at you to get up you looked around, yep still here. You moved to your closet trying to piece together a decent outfit from what you had. Deciding on a pair of boyfriend fitted jeans, a plain black belt and a slightly large, brightly colored sweater tucked into them. You also wore light gray converse and ankle high socks, it was very 80's thats for sure. Quickly brushing your teeth and attempting to tame your (H/C) hair you ran downstairs.

"(Y/N), dear, Mina called she said she will be here in 10 minutes," you responded with a nod.

Mina got there right on time, she was wearing a black jean skirt, ripped fishnet leggings, a mint blouse under a colorful floral jacket and neon healed boots. Her pink hair was tied up into a large bun on the top of her head, still tightly braided. "Hey girl, lets go." She pulled you out of your house and you started walking to your school, memorizing the roads and main landmarks there.

Walking to school you suddenly say a bright red car drive by you blasting Beastie Boys with four roadie boys hollering and shouting to the lyrics. Once you took a second you finally recognized the car, a 64 Austin Healey 3000, AKA your dream car. You ogled at the car in amazement, it was in mint condition and looked sleek and sexy; the boys barely fit in it.

Mina tore your gaze away from the car, "(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Jesus you keep dazing out, are you ok?"

"Fine I'm just tired, also I just really liked that car." She laughed at you.

"The car or the boys." She said slyly, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"The car," you said with no hesitation.

"Aww," she said as you neared a large school, "you're no fun." You both laughed, out of the corner of your eye you saw it again, the car. But this time you also saw the boys by it, they were casually talking. One had dark black hair, mullet style, but not as bad as it sounds, like a nice mullet? Do those exist? another had hay yellow hair that stuck you in all directions he wore a black jacket with a white stripe on the collar. The last one you could swear you could recognize, he had dark hair almost tinted red, it was jelled up. He wore a black and red letterman jacket, though you couldn't tell what it was for. and then your eyes fell on the driver as he jumped, quite literally, out of his car. Then it hit you, he turned around to face his friends, his ash blonde hair sticking up in all directions. He wore a white shirt, blue jeans, black suspenders and the final touch, a stunning leather jacket.

That's, "Kasuki Bakugou," your friend stated seeing you eyeing him. "The school jerk."


Space cadet: Clueless, ditzy person

Spaz: Lame, unattractive

Ace: 60's slang for funky or awesome

Ditz: an unintelligent person


Hey guys,

I hope you are liking the story so far. I really love suspenders on boys ok like 10/10. writing this is really fun. I hope you have a great rest of the day


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