"The Power of Love" By Huey Lewis & The News

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Your feet traveled back to the house, as the two of you moved the air was full of silence.

"I wanted to apologize again for what I did." You said trying to break the tension. He shrugged and kept staring ahead.

"I told you dumbass. It's fine, besides I didn't- never mind." Your eyes widened at his words. He didn't what? Mind? You sped up to walk next to him again.

"Katsuki? Can I ask you a question?"

"No." He snapped back, you rolled your eyes and continued

"Were you scared last night?" You stopped walking and waited for him to answer.

"I don't have to tell you shit nerd. Where did you learn how to do that anyway?" He said trying to avoid the question.

"Red Cross classes. I'm practically a professional nurse." You did the Debby Ryan thing and pretended to push your hair out of your face.

"What the fuck was that." Oh ya not 2020, damn.

"My humor is to complex for your pea sized brain to understand." He turned to you suddenly and sprinted at you.

"SAY THAT AGAIN BITCH!" Your eyes widened and you sprinted away. Even though you feared for your life a little bit you still couldn't hold back the laugh and screams of joy. As you started to slow down you yelled back at him, "COME ON, I'M NOT BUILT FOR THE LAND, I'M BUILT FOR THE WATER." His laugh that you heard after that was full of true evil.

"OHHH (Y/N)," he called in a evil voice as you ran up on to the grass of someones yard. "GET OVER HERE GEARHEAD." Then you tripped, no you didn't trip he literally jumped on top of you.

"FUUCK!" The two of you said while falling. You felt yourself hit the ground and the air rush out of your lungs, you also felt a large body on top of you. You attempted to say, 'get up you fat ass.' instead you said something like, "Huuuhah" and tapped his arm rapidly. Thats when you realized where Katsuki was, or rather where his face was. You looked down at him, he looked up at you... There he was, face first in your boobs, his eyes the size of saucers.

He quickly pushed off of you and rolled to the side, "s-sorry." You laughed at his flustered state.

"First time?" You wheezed out, he slapped your arm. "You're a bitch."

"Ok," You gasped, "D-Cup." You laughed, and felt pain rise up in your ribs and lungs.

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP! WHY ARE THEY SO SOFT ANYWAY, GEARHEAD?" This made you laugh harder, you didn't know why, you knew this kid for about a week, he had insulted you and on top of that he literally just buried his face in your chest right after chasing you like a serial killer.

"Oh my God." You laughed out gripping the sides of your ribs.

"Knock it off." You looked over at him to see his face beet red which made you laugh even harder. He stood up aggressively and you reached out your hand to take his. He then proceeded to slap your hand away so you sighed dramatically and pretend to die on the grass of some random man's yard.

"(Y/N), get up."

"I'm dead Katsuki, you killed me." He rolled his eyes and stared down at you as you let your eyes close. He let his eyes wander up your thighs again, God did you have nice thighs. His mind started to wander a bit, those thighs would be perfect to sleep on... mark up. Oh, that was nice, such clean unblemished thighs covered in...
He sighed and sat down next to you. "You know homecoming is coming up. It is like September" You said.

"Tch, dumbass, first it's August, and second? It's a stupid tradition, 99% of students don't even play football."

"I don't know, don't you want to go dance with someone? I feel like it would be fun." You stated, you did have homecoming last year and it was indeed that.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes, "Dresses these days look shit anyway."

You shot up, "I KNOW! Do you know that one bitch, shit what's her name? KAREN! Jesus did you see the monstrosity she was wearing the other day in history." You looked at him and could see the humor in his eyes. "I mean she looked like she dipped a trash bag in glitter and put it on." You laughed out, looking at him again. He let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"You are really fuckin' mean Siren."

"Ya but come on. Don't you think she could look so much better with something else on?"

"She would look better with nothing on." He replied with a smirk.

"GASP. Bakugou, did you just make a sexmy times joke?" You said with a completely straight face and leaned in with interest. He shoved you away by the shoulder and you fell back on to the grass. You promptly sat back up to see a small smile on his face. "Oh so you do smile."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SQUARE!" You giggled again and stood up, your knees cracked like an old man's. "What the hell? Was that your knees?" 

"Yep, let's go I think I'm hanging out with Mina and Ei."

"Eijiro? No we have baseball practice." You were about to say something but decided better of it.

"Oh then it must be some other day." You smirked knowing, nope it wasn't. Damn you were so funny. "Are you going to get off your ass now?"

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do Gearhead!" 

'Ok bitch boy' you signed at him, (ok sign, asl B on the chin and down, talkie hand at forehead. Its not a very good description but ya thats what it is I think)

'Eat shit and die'  he signed back. (closed talkie hand tap at lips twice, point behind back with thumb slice over fist with other hand, hand flop over). you laughed at him and he gets up. 

After some more small talk you made your way to your house. You turned to him and smiled, "Thanks for walking me back Katsu."


"Oh before I forget, heres your sweat shirt back, I'll give you your clothes later." You took the sweatshirt off. Bakugou let his eyes linger on the bit of skin where the sweat shirt rose up before it fell.

"Whatever, I don't really wanna carry this home."

"Oh well you can wear it then."

"I'm not cold."

"Ok then just tie it around your waist."

"Damnit Gearhead, just keep it. I don't even like that one." He said quickly turning around to walk away.

"O-oh ok, bye Katsuki." He just waved at you and kept walking. You turned into your house and opened the door. 

"Oh, (Y/N) dear, how was your day?" Your mom questioned as you walked in the house.

"Good thanks Ma. Hey did I get a call?"

"Yes, a young man named Eijiro called you, he wanted to ask if you still wanted to come to his practice. I just told him you would, I hope you don't mind."

"Ya thanks Mom, did he say what time, I'm bringing Mina."

"Well I think you have about and hour before, just be sure to be home by the time the street lights turn on."

"Sure Ma, thanks." Well Katsuki, you thought, looks like I'll get those cloths back to you sooner rather than later.

"(Y/N). What happened to your clothes." SHaT.


Hey y'all hope you are doing well, sorry for the kinda filler chapter I thought it was pretty good. anyway hope y'all have a good day

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