Catching Up

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~Nicky POV~

Chile it's the first day of school and look at what I've run into. Literally! She had wavy blonde hair that flowed seamlessly. She lifted herself up off the ground and caught my eyes. Suddenly breathing was a challenge. Her eyes were parallel to that of a clear blue sky and captivating.

"It's no problem, really. You should watch where you're going, though."

Pull yourself together!

"Yeah I suppose. Oh! Did you drop anything?" She was already looking at the ground.

Dumbass. Of course I made her drop something.

She picked up her keys from the ground

"Just my keys," she said and walked off.

I didn't even get to say goodbye. Once she was gone I remembered that someone had called my name. It was Amelia, one of my best friends. Together we shared a total of 2.5 small braincells, but still have the most fun. I haven't seen her in a while!

"Amelia! You're here early aren't you. Where's everyone else?"

"We're all outside. No one was ready to come inside yet," she responded.

"And to think I went inside to look for you guys. Silly me."

Before we went outside, something caught my eye. A key. I'm pretty sure it belongs to the chick from earlier. I picked up the key and took it with me. Just in case y'know. Then I followed Amelia back outside.

Sitting a the table was the usual crew. There was Bellamy and Elgort. Both of them hold the biggest and strongest braincells in the friend group. Hell, Elgort could take over the world if he tried hard enough. The next holder of the biggest braincell Prudence. She doesn't come to school half the time, but has the best grades out of all of us. It's a mystery how she does it. Her dynamic duo partner is Saffron. The favorite gay, most outgoing and the best at giving advice. I smiled as I approached.

"Yo! How was everyone's summer?" I asked.

"Eh, could've been better," Saffron responded, "but I did get to watch a lot of shows."

"I finished the summer reading in like mid July and spent the rest of summer slowly rotting."

"Bellamy, sounds like you had a fantastic summer," I responded.

Prudence looked towards the front door.

"I think it's finally time to go inside this horrible place," she said.

And thus we all walked inside the building. Now that I was taking a second undistracted look at the building, I noticed that they actually had done some touch ups. The carpet looked brand new and the wall was polished. Not a single pencil mark or scratch to be found. About half of the water fountains had been replaced by the automatic fountains. Then it came to my attention to wonder how the boys bathroom downstairs was doing. Last I remember they absolutely teared the place up. At this point we all had to go find our advisors and carry on with the instructions for the day.

As I looked for my advisor I saw the same chick from earlier. I wanted to go return her key, but some of her friends approached. I wasn't ready for that kind of interaction so I decided I'd do it later.

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