Beef Noodles

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~Lindsey POV~

From the couch I watched Nicky grab various vegetables that I didn't even know were in this house.

"You've got noodles here right? Can you grab some?" she asked.

I walked over to the pantry to look for packages of instant noodles. I found two and assumed that they were enough. I went to hand her the noodles and found her chopping some vegetables. Green onion, sweet onion, garlic and ginger. I sat down at the kitchen island to see what she had in store. 

"Did you know you had beef in your fridge, girl? Let's cook some," she told me as she focused on the vegetables. 

I found the beef she was talking about. A t-bone steak that was probably gonna go bad soon. I guess it's a smart move to cook it now. I grabbed some salt and pepper to season the steak with and pulled out an iron skillet.

"You can cook that steak how you want it and then chop it into smaller pieces," Nicky directed.

So I proceeded to cook the steak. As it sizzled on the pan I watched her cook some soup. Garlic, sweet onion and ginger went in first. I could hear them cook and they started to make the kitchen smell, so I turned on the overhead fan. Then she added some tomato paste and water and let it cook. Flip the steak. Once that was ready, she added more water and stirred in soy sauce, cayenne and the slightest bit of vinegar. 

She shifted towards me, "Now we let it boil. How's that steak going?"

"Almost done. Is medium fine?"

"Works for me," and she turned back to her food.

I always found something intriguing about watching people cook. In cooking shows contestants are told a theme and they manage to pull something just from that. Similarly enough, here was Nicky pulling a meal out of some random foods in my kitchen. Maybe it comes from the fact that I am in no way a professional chef, but watching her cook was just...attractive. The steak. I turned off the stove, waited a couple minutes and cut the steak into slices

"Steak is ready to go," I said. Almost missed the mark.

"Right on time! I just put the noodles in the pot to cook. Grab our bowls and have a seat. I'll serve you."

I grabbed bowls and forks like she had asked and sat down. From the utensils drawer she grabbed a soup spoon and spaghetti spoon. First into the bowl were the noodles, followed by the soup and topped with slices of beef and green onion. She slid the bowl towards me and winked. 


I took a bite as she filled her bowl and was taken aback. She's really good. I'm no food critic, but I'm pretty sure they would say something along the lines of "the flavors all compliment each other." If I had known that Nicky could cook I would've gone out to lunch less often. She came around the island and sat herself right next to me

"Welllll? How is it?" she questioned grinning with one eyebrow raised.

I looked down at the bowl of noodles and said, "I should start calling you Gordon Ramsey."

She laughed, "You flatter me."

I watched her eat her food eagerly and it hit me. I really like her.

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