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"Bye Dad."

I smiled at the screen. Currently, I was chatting with my father via Skype. Or rather, was chatting.

He had gone for some sort of meeting Las Vegas.

Can you believe it? Las Vegas! It was a smooth lie but I couldn't blame him. With my mother's five-year anniversary coming up, he didn't exactly want to see me.

Don't get me wrong. He loves me and all that but it still hurts when he looks at me because I inherited her looks.

"Bye baby girl."The screen went blank.

Ouch! That hurt.

I closed my purple laptop and rested my head against the headrest.

Barely two minutes later, I heard my front door open. I groaned as I heard the clicking of heels against the polished wood.

"Nikki,guess who just arrived."a voice cooed.The sounds were getting closer.

Maybe if I could hurry, I could make it out before anyone could see me.

I virtually jumped out of the chair, ripping my P!NK skirt in the process.

"Nikki! Girlfriend you won-"Tasha stopped short and stared at the ripped skirt in horror.

Someone's dead meat.

"Hey! Um...where is Joanne?"I began to feel guilty. Joanne gave me that skirt like three days ago.It'd hurt her so much to see it like this.

"What happened to that skirt?"Tasha's voice was calm and composed. A really unusual demeanor.

"It ripped."

She frowned."Duh.I know it ripped but ho-forget it."her face brightened up,"We came to invite you to a party."

Now it was my turn to frown."When?"


"No way."


"It rhymed."I smirked childishly.

"So what time is the party?"She glanced at her watch.

"Thirty minutes from now."

"Where is it at?"

She sighed in...was it pleasure?

"Golden Valley."

"But no one from our school lives there."

She flashed me a mega watt smile.

"David Mark does."

Luna NikkiWhere stories live. Discover now