Stepping Stone (S 1 Ep 1)

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Erin and I were drinking coffee in the break room enjoying the peacefulness that getting to work early often entails.

"Thanks for letting me crash with you by the way," I turn to Erin.

"Of course, just next time don't sell your house and everything in it to move in with your boyfriend until you're certain he's the one. Actually don't move in with your boyfriend anyway because you and guys never seem to make it work," Erin teases.

"Oh, because you're so much better," I scoff.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"When was the last time you had a relationship lasting more than three months?"

She knowing I have a point, "Yeah, but that's different, I actually date semi-decent guys unlike you."

"You're right, you just run away at the first sight of something serious. You kind of have a serious commitment issue," I laugh.

"Do not," she argues.

"Yeah, you do," Jay Halstead enters the breakroom.

"Like you would know," she mutters.

"That stuff'll kill you now, apparently. I saw an article online," he says gesturing to the coffee we're drinking.

I roll my eyes. Jay kind of had just ruined the peacefulness of my morning.

"Well, that is last on the very long list of things I am concerned about," Erin faces Jay.

He holds his coffee mug out towards me "Please," I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I thought you just said this stuff will kill you," I say as I fill up his mug.

"Caitlin was asking about you," Erin changes the subject.

"Oh yeah, tell her I said hey," Jay replies

"So no interest on your part," I acknowledge.

"She's super sweet but my loss," Jay shrugs indifferently.

"You guys seen Voight around?" Sheldon Jin questions as he leans into the break room.

"No, why?" I ask.

Sheldon quickly turns around and leaves the room presumably to go and find Voight.

"You," Erin points to Jay as she walks out of the break room "Neither of us are ever setting you up again."

"What? Why not?" He follows Erin out of the room.

"Because you don't know a good thing when you see it," I explain, "I mean look what happened when I got you and Juliet a date, you practically broke her heart."

"I did not, she said she wasn't interested in me, how is that my fault?"

I shrug "She didn't think you were interested so she broke up with you first. That means it was still your fault."

"Listen up," Voight appears at the top of the stairs, "We got a name on those dope deaths. A dealer on south emerald named Rev. As soon as Olinsky gets here we're going to..."

"Over here," Alvin leans back in his chair allowing us to become aware of his presence.

"Hey Alvin," Voight notices him.

"We're going to set up a controlled buy, Halstead and Lindsay in the doorway, do not go inside."

"Yeah, I'm assuming you don't mean both of us, so which Lindsay?" I ask.

"Um," he appears to not really decided yet, "Gracelyn."

I nod. Jay's Erin's partner, not mine. I didn't really have a partner, I just go wherever Voight sends me. I guess he had just decided to give me this one instead of my sister.

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