8. Aphrodite's Push

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Author's Note: hi everyone! just so you know, this chapter gets a little bit steamy so if you're not totally comfortable with that, please stop reading now. okay thanks! enjoy <3

Your eyelids barely fluttered shut before you were awoken by a strange pecking sensation on your fingertips. You groggily opened your eyes and were startled to see Dite sitting on your hand, pecking at your fingers in an urgent matter. 

"Dite? What is it?" You asked, growing increasingly concerned at her hectic motions. Dite picked up your pinky finger in her beak and pulled it towards the door. She wanted to show you something.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," you assured her as you released yourself from the tangle of blankets you were sleeping with. Standing up, you stretched lightly, pulling down the tank top you wore to bed as it rose over your belly. Ginny liked to keep her room boiling hot, so you opted for a small tank top and pajama shorts. Your shorts were definitely a few sizes too small, rode up too much, and sometimes showed a little more skin than normally appropriate. However, they were a gag gift from Ginny so you loved wearing them. Despite being super comfy sleeping shorts, they were also decorated front to back with grinning photos of Gildeory Lockhart, with pink little hearts plastered around his head. You still can't believe he sold his own face on merchandise in the form of sleeping shorts.

Ginny and Hermione were still sleeping soundlessly around you, so you carefully and quietly stepped outside of the room so as not to wake them.

When you reached the hallway, Dite fluttered up the stairs to the next story. In your half-asleep state, it was difficult to follow her up the many stairs, bumping your shins against the wood many times before you reached your final destination. Dite stopped and floated in midair right outside Ron's closed bedroom door. Before you could even register her actions, she was beating her beak against the wooden door.

Hurried footsteps sounded behind the door before it swung open to reveal Ron, hair messed up from sleep and wearing only red striped pajama pants. Your cheeks flushed. Did he always sleep half naked? You wished he would have last night when you were with him. Is this normal for friends to think of each other like this? you wondered.

You were snapped out of your mildly inappropriate thoughts when Ron asked, "Y/n? What're you doing here? What time is it?" His voice was thick and raspy from just being woken up and you felt a warmth travel from your heart downwards as you heard his morning voice.

"Um, I dunno. Dite woke me up, she seemed urgent," you explained. Now, as you were more awake, probably from seeing Ron's bare torso and abs and v-line, you came to realize that your reasoning for being at his door so late at night was probably not the best.

Both you and Ron turned your eyes towards Dite. She floated innocently in the air, looking between the two of you expectedly. As a long silence stretched out in the small hallway, she rolled her eyes (you didn't know owls could do that) and flew into Ron's room.

Ron shrugged. "I think she misses Pig," he said as Dite flew into the owl cage and nestled next to Ron's owl. You nodded, although you weren't that easily fooled. Dite was smart, she definitely brought you here for a reason. The black heart on her feathers gleamed up at you from her cage and you knew she was sending you a message. After all, her name was Aphrodite.

"Can I come in?" You asked quickly and abruptly. Ron looked startled by your question, but his surprised expression soon changed to a concealed smile.

"Sure," he said, so quietly it sounded no louder than a breath.

You stepped into his room, taking into account the rumpled bed sheets and messy floor. Ron closed the door behind him and did his best to straighten up.

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