14. A Magical End and a New Beginning

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When you woke up the next morning, Ron's arms were wrapped tightly around you and his snores were loud enough to wake the entire Burrow. Giggling at him, you turned around to kiss him on the cheek. At this, he started stirring in his sleep. 

"Wake up, Won-Won," you teased.

Ron groaned sleepily and nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck.

"Never, call me that," he said, his speech thick from sleep. His morning voice instantly made you feel hot and light headed.

"What would you rather me call you?" you asked, a playful smirk appearing on your lips. "Sweetheart? Lover of mine? Honeykins? Sex Wizard Supreme?"

"My boyfriend will do for now," he responded, kissing your lips. After a moment he pulled away, pursed his lips and said, "On second thought, I kind of like Sex Wizard Supreme."

You laughed, playfully nudging him off of you as he tried to kiss you again. In response to this, he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and attacked your neck with thousands of kisses. You were giggling and gasping under your breath when suddenly, Ron's bedroom door was kicked open. Both of you froze.

In marched Ginny, Hermione, Harry, and the twins.

"I see we've come full circle," Hermione said with a smirk once everyone got a glimpse of you and Ron, tangled in the bed sheets. You self consciously pulled the sheets higher up around your body to cover up for the fact that underneath the red comforter, you were butt-naked.

"I told you this was where she was," Ginny said, lightly slapping Harry on the shoulder.

Fred made a great deal of dramatically holding his hand out to George, who dug two galleons from his pocket and slapped it into Fred's open palm. George glared at you for a second, presumably for making him lose his bet, but before long he was back to smiling and joking.

"You're welcome for those fireworks, mate," George told Ron. "Without them, I would've bet you never would have told y/n you liked her."

"Bet? Would you like to make another? I could use some extra cash," Fred said, turning to his twin with a smirk. George responded with an eye roll and a shove to Fred's shoulder.

"Ron! You never told me you liked y/n!" Harry protested in disbelief. "I'm your best friend," he added afterwards, obviously a little grumpy that Ron hid this from him.

You felt Ron shrug behind you, his arms still in place on your waist.

"You never told me you fancied my sister," he responded. His voice was still deep from just waking up and it made you wish everyone would leave the room so you could attend to other activities.

Harry's face turned the color of Ginny's hair. Ginny, who was now grinning like an idiot.

"Come on then, Harry," Ginny said, taking him by the hand and pulling him towards the open door. "Ron and y/n had their conversation, now it's time for ours."

Once they left, Hermione and the twins stayed grinning at the two of you.

"Get out," Ron grumbled at them.

"Please," you added with a sweet smile.

Hermione winked at you as she left. The twins followed, but not before shouting "Use protection! Wrap it before you tap it!"

Ron groaned at their words but you knew he was secretly as excited as you were when his bedroom door slammed shut, leaving you alone.

"So," you prompted, rolling onto Ron's stomach. His hands instinctively found their way to your hips, moving up and down the sides of your body, giving you shivers.

Summer At The Burrow - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now