1. The Journey to The Burrow

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"I think this is the most unnecessarily stupid thing either of you has ever done," you said, not bothering to hide the wide grin on your face. 

Fred and George Weasley beamed at you from outside of your bedroom window, where they were suspended in the air in the Flying Ford Angela. It was a humorous sight to see, the lanky identical twins casually driving their floating turquoise vehicle to your window.

"Madame y/l/n, as you well know, you are cordially invited to spend your summer holiday in the exceptional company of the entire Weasley family," George declared in a booming voice.

"Rightly so, Madame, and we are acting as your trusty steeds to help deliver you safely to our humble abode," Fred continued with the same tone of feigned royalty.

A laugh bubbled out of you as you threw your arms out of the window, hugging Fred, who was in the passenger side window.

"It's so good to see you both!" You exclaimed, letting your arms drop to start gathering your trunk in your room.

"If I'm not mistaken, not 1 minute ago you were calling us unnecessarily stupid," George pointed out jokingly.

You rolled your eyes. The playful banter between you and the Weasley twins has been a prevalent part of your friendship since your second year at Hogwarts. In fact, you were first introduced to your best friend because of a ridiculous, and embarrassing, prank the twins played on you.

"Where is Ron?" You asked, remembering that he said he would pick you up today to go back to the Burrow. When he sent his owl with the date and time of your pickup, you expected to be traveling by broomstick or Floo Network. The Flying Ford Angela at your window was a welcome surprise. Always one for mischief, you couldn't turn down a ride in a flying car.

"Bad news, love. He couldn't make it. But he sends his well wishes and will be home a couple days after you arrive," George told you.

You nodded, fighting the urge to be disappointed. Even though he was your best friend, you couldn't expect him to be spending every day of the summer with you. It was already a blessing that the Weasleys were letting you spend your summer at their home while your parents were away in Europe, you couldn't be greedy and ask for too much.

But still, you had been looking forward to seeing Ron since he sent his owl. Lately, whenever you've been feeling lonely, you would think about how soon you would be spending your evenings playing Wizard's Chess with Ron instead of eating dinner alone in your empty house.

"Come on, y/n, the car will run out of petrol with you just standing around!" Fred said, hopping out of the car and into your room. He hoisted your packed trunk into the back of the car and held the backdoor open for you.

"M'lady," he offered, with a bow so deep his orange hair fell into his eyes.

Smiling back at him, you climbed into the car. Fred followed suit and within minutes you were soaring above the London skies.

You exchanged stories back in forth about what you've been up to since Hogwarts let school out. The twins told you about their successful joke shop, and even brought you a Screaming Yo-Yo as a welcome gift. You had always been supportive of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes creations and were looking forward to testing more products with them this summer.

After a while, your chatter died down as you rested your head against the glass window. Watching the city line disappear into countryside below, a sense of calm washed over you. This summer was going to be your best yet.

"Y/n," George said suddenly.

You raised your head cautiously, his voice sounded serious- something it very rarely was. Fred shared a look with George and they both nodded curtly, only increasing your anxiety more.

"What?" You asked, worry seeping into the question.

Fred sighed and turned around in his seat so he could face you.

"We think it's time," he said plainly, eyes staring deep into your own. You watched him, confused, as he kept looking at you.

"And that means....what?" You asked, still no idea what the twins were talking about.

George sighed, put the car on Auto-Pilot, and turned around as well. Now four pairs of brown eyes were staring at you intently.

"Won-Won," they said simultaneously.

A laugh escaped you as you realized that their odd behavior was just another joke and not something serious. The three of you had teased Ron mercilessly last year about the nickname his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, had used.

"What about Ron?" You asked. A smile played upon your lips as you said his name, though you weren't sure why.

The twins shared another look before George spoke up.

"It is time for you and Ron to confess your undying love for one another. This has been a long time coming and we believe this summer is your perfect opportunity," George stated simply as if his explanation made perfect sense.

Face burning red, you looked out the window to avoid their gaze.

"Don't know what you're talking about," you said, cringing. You didn't even sound convincing to yourself.

George turned back around to drive the car as Fred continued pestering you on the subject.

"Don't be ridiculous! Every single person, besides the two of you apparently, know what's going on between each other. If I have to see one more longing glance from across the table, I'm going to have to move in with Charlie in Romania," Fred told you.

Although it was obvious you had a long harbored crush on Ron, you didn't think he reciprocated the same feeling. After all, he did have a girlfriend for half of the school year.

When you didn't reply, George spoke up once again.

"We're not trying to rush you, love, but we know he feels the same way. For days, he couldn't shut up about how excited he was that you were coming to stay at the Burrow," he said.

"If he were so excited then why didn't he bother to pick me up? Or why won't he be back until a few days after I arrive?" You snapped. Surprised by your own feistiness, you assumed that maybe you were more than a little disappointed to not see him.

The twins shared yet another knowing look with one another.

"What is it?" You asked, desperate to know what they were keeping from you.

"You'll see, y/n..." Fred said mysteriously. Then he pointed out the window, and proclaimed "Ah, we're almost there!"

Following his finger your gaze fell upon the towering structure just ahead. The rooms upon rooms stacked on top of each other made the most magnificent wizarding house you had ever seen.

You've never been to the Burrow before, and since you were Muggleborn your house wasn't anywhere near as magical. The entirety of the Weasley's home seemed to be held up by magic, oozing it out of every window. Just looking upon their home, with the gnomes in the garden, smoke rising from the chimney, and Quidditch goals set up in the yard, you forgot your worries.

Maybe you would have to finally confront your feelings for Ron this summer. But right now, all you wanted to focus on was how excited you were to spend the next few months with your best friend and his family.

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