12. Long Overdue

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This was it, you thought. 

Ron was towering over you, his hands cradling your face so gently it was as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him. He licked his lips slowly, seductively, and leaned even closer. Now your lips were almost touching. If you would lean forward just the slightest inch, you would be kissing. But instead of doing that, you waited, your heart in your throat and your knees weak, for his next words.

These next words, you thought, are going to change everything. What he says next will be years worth of pent up desire and longing and finally he was going to tell you he loved-

"Nice dress," he whispered. 

You remained still, stunned. 

Ron broke out into boyish laughter.

"Ronald!" you yelled, slapping his chest with the palm of your hand.

"Are you kidding me?" you demanded, equally hurt and embarrassed while also trying to suppress a laugh. This was him complimenting your cheesy shorts instead of kissing you in his room all over again. 

Ron laughed a little more, before turning back to you and almost closing the gap. Almost closing it completely, but not quite.

"What were you expecting me to say, y/n?" he asked, his voice dropping an octave lower as his eyes searched yours. The atmosphere between your bodies quickly changed to something more serious.

You shrugged. "Dunno, something a bit more romantic than that," you replied.

Ron put his fingers up to his chin and pretended to think. He was back to his goofy self and no matter how annoyed you were with his antics, you still found yourself madly in love with him, faults and all.

"Alright," he said, drawing out the word. "How about this?" His hand dropped from his chin to your waist, pulling your body flesh against him. Your heart skipped a beat and you knew that if he kept this teasing up, you were going to have a heart attack.

"Would you have wanted me to say that I've dreamt about holding you every night since we danced together at the Yule Ball? That every time I see you with Bill I get crazy jealous because I wish you would want me as much as you wanted him?"

He looked like he had more to say so you stayed silent as he kept saying those words that made your heart melt.

"Or would you rather me have told you that every single time we took walks around the Great Lake together back at Hogwarts, I thought about kissing you? Every damn time. Would you have wanted me to tell you that I keep every single one of your letters in a box under my bed because  I miss you so fucking much in the summer that they are the only things that get me through?" he said, a little breathless, cheeks pink, and looking more vulnerable than you've ever seen him.

"Would you have wanted me to tell you how desperately I'm in love with you?" he finished.

It was dead silent between you, the only sounds the distant fireworks in the sky. Their vibrant colors reflected onto Ron's skin, his face turning shades of blue and red as the fireworks erupted. In that moment, he was the most breathtaking thing you have ever seen. 

"Yeah, I probably would have wanted something like that," you joked quietly, flashing him a small grin. He returned it.

"C'mere," he mumbled, lifting your chin with his fingers as he finally closed the distance between you. 

Even despite the fireworks exploding in the night sky, you could have sworn sparks were flying.

You had been dreaming about this kiss for the longest time, and it was already exceeding your expectations. His lips were soft against yours, but his rhythm was passionate. As soon as you connected, he had parted his lips, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Your lips molded to his and parted as well. He pushed your back up against the tree, kissing you harder, more passionately. Standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck, Merlin he was taller than you remembered, you pulled him in closer. He responded immedietly, tender hands finding their way to your hips and squeezing lightly. And you continued like that, mouths connected, hands roaming, finally sharing the kiss that you had both been wanting for years.

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