I'll protect you

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Your now 13. It's okay but any boy who even looks like they like you gets a death glare from your brothers.

So yeah no dating till you move out of the manor. But at least you finally get to go on patrol by yourself.

It was one of the slower nights. Not to slow but not to fast either. It was a patrol routine. Oh how things can change so fast.

You where sitting on a ledge of some random building when you heard a gunshot. Being the curious vigilante you are you investigate it.

In the alley you find a young woman cowering under a man with a gun.

You immediately get into action. You take the guy down easily. Or so you thought. You thought you had knocked him out apparently you didn't.

The woman left quickly. You turned around and you are face to face with the man. He some how got his gun back and hit you hard with it.

Your head hurts bad. Your whole body really. You lift your head up to see two of Gotham's worst criminals.

Joker and Scarecrow.

Who you don't see is Harley behind you. Until she jerks your head up.

"Mr.J She's up!" Harley shouts. Joker laughs at you and Scarecrow just looks at you.

"I thought you'd be smarter than the boy wonder's girly!" Joker said with a laugh.

Joker pulled a crowbar out of who knows where and walked up to you but before he could get to you Scarecrow stopped him.

"Joker you know the deal. I help you get the girl I get to use my new fear toxin on her then you kill her." Scarecrow said in an eire voice.

"Fine! But I still get to kill her." Joker said.

Batfam P.O.V
She was gone. Y/N was gone. Panic set in quickly because she was not reckless no she was anything but.

"Tim have you been able to track her?!" Dick asked. "No not in the last 5 seconds Dick!" Tim yelled.

Jason was going through all the worst scenarios that could happen. Damian wasn't even trying to keep his cool and looked like a deranged animal. Tim was on the bat-computer typing furiously. Dick was in a state of complete and utter panic.

Alfred was able to keep his cool and reassure them you where going to be fine but on the inside worrying a lot. Bruce tried to stay calm but you where his little girl.

But that's when the video pops up. They hesitantly press play.

On the screen is you where hung by your wrist to the ceiling and where, bloody, busted up, and crying. Then Joker comes in. "I wanted your little Sparrow to say her last words to you so you can see her death too!" The Joker said then laughed.

The camera zoomed into you. "Speak up girly so they all can hear you." Joker said.

You didn't speak not for that mad man. Then he hit you with the crowbar. Your scream was heart wrenching.

When they finally found you you where almost dead. You hung limply from your chains.

They got you back to the manor for Dr.Thompkins and Alfred to help you.

Hours past as more of the bat clan arrived. Then they finally came out. They both had grim looks on their faces.

"Is she..." Bruce asked but stopped seeing their tears. Dick started sobbing onto Babs. Damian and Tim just didn't know how to react. Jason looked ready to kill. Steph was crying on Cass. Kate held Duke in a tight hug. Bruce let a single tear fall.

You where gone his baby girl was gone. You where the second youngest in the family just a kid.

  Authors note:
so this is totally not the end sorry for the wait I'm only doing one more chapter in this one and moving on to book two.
I'll start posting book two around the Fourth of July 🇺🇸.

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