New Beginning

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One Year later

It had been a year since you died. But thanks to Ra Al Ghul and the Lazarus pit you were brought back to life.

You escaped about 3 months after being resurrected. Making it back to Gotham took about a month. But you still hadn't worked up the courage to actually talk to them. I mean you died.

So here you where sitting on some random building. If you stayed one of them would definitely find you.

So that's what happened. You heard a loud thump behind you but kept looking forward out into the city. It was Jason who found you. He sat down not talking.

You leaned against him and he hugged you to his side. You just sat there in silence.

"Your not coming home are you?" Jason asked.

"Not yet. I will when I'm ready though." You told him.

"If you need anything just ask okay." He said still looking out into the city.

"I know. Don't tell the others but you can tell Roy if he won't blab to everyone." You said cuddling into his side.

"I will once I know your out of Gotham (y/n)." Jason said.

"Thank you Jay." You mumble into his jacket.

The both of you just sat there staring off into the night. Before he left he gave you his jacket.

"Don't forget me little sis." Jason says in a sad tone.

"Never ever big bro. You don't forget me." You say.

"Never ever lil sis." He says and takes the helmet off and kisses your forehead. You kiss your big brothers check and leave not knowing when you will return.

Jason's P.O.V
I watched as my little sister left Gotham. I felt sad not knowing when I would see her again but happy knowing she wouldn't be like me.

I went back to the cave with a small smile on my face.

"Hey Jay why are you smiling?" Dick asked.

"Yes Todd I was wondering the same thing." Damian said.

"Just saw an old friend I haven't seen in awhile." I answered quietly.

"Your hiding something Jason." Tim said.

"'Tt' His friend is probably just some delinquent." Damian stated.

"Nah they are a lot better than me." I said and left.

I heard my brothers arguing over who it was. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

I'll miss (y/n) but she deserves some peace at least for a little.

Authors Note:
I hope you like this story! I worked really hard and its my first big one.
If you have any requests comment or message me either is good.
Thank you for reading
Oh and this is just Part One!

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