Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around

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"Ye good for nothing scumbag!"

Mr. Berger bellowed sprinkling his spit all over Kal's face. His large, beefy fists are at the air making motions of frustration.

"Ye showed at the door soaking wet past lunchtime! Cud' you believe it? Lunchtime?!" He screeched and Kal badly wants to cover his ears to a least give his eardrums a break.

His back hurts from standing straight for a long time as he tried not to flinch every time Mr. Berger raised his voice. His headache is getting worse not only from the ringing in his ears but also from the nervous smells of his co-workers blending with the violent scent of his boss.

Mr. Berger angrily turns towards the other waiters standing near the kitchen counter.

"If any of ye would be like Mr. Reeves here I wud instantly fire you. Do ye understand? He roared and a series of yes sirs responded to him.

Kal took a series of slow, deep breaths as he clenched the sides of his pants.

"I-I am so sorry sir, I had this accident-"

Kal instantly shuts his mouth when Mr. Berger turns his head so fast that Kal believes the man had gotten whiplash from it.

"Ye think I wud listen to zat kind of shit?!" He shouted while slowly walking towards him, his piggy eyes disdainfully squinting. Kal reminds him of a large boar that will jump at him at any minute.

"But I am telling the truth, sir." Kal squeaked out as Mr. Berger stood like a giant before him. His face has become the color of the beetroots at the counter. Large veins began to pop out on his wide forehead and non-existing neck. His facial muscles twitching as he slowly lowered his face so that he could look directly at Kal's eyes.

"Mr. Reeves. Ye. Are. Fired!!"

Kal couldn't believe that he would be fired this sooner. He hides his trembling hands behind his back as he forces himself not to cry.

"I don't need a weakling like ye breaking plates and spilling soup all over the place. Now Scram! I have enough of ye!" He bellowed, his fat multiple chins wiggling as he uses a dirty frying pan to point at the door.

Kal hurriedly turns toward the exit as he was afraid that Mr. Berger would hit him resulting to have his quick death. Good thing that they are already closed or else he would have dug himself a grave if a customer saw him.

Kal slowly walks his way home. His stomach grumbling to its owner for being empty. Maybe he would die starving instead of being hit by a frying pan. Kal doesn't know whether to cry or laugh at this. He doesn't know what will happen to him tomorrow.
He could only pray for his life

He walked and walked until he doesn't know where to go. He walked under the dark skies of the night and the pale moonlight. The night lights guiding him on his way. He doesn't know how long he was lost in thoughts until he walked passed a gay couple who are holding hands and intimately gazing at each other's eyes.

He lowered his head as he bit the inside of his cheek. He honestly envies the couple. He envies the warmth they are sharing, the gazes they are sharing and the love they are sharing. He was also like them years ago. Where he had someone to hold hands and kiss their cheek good night. Where he had someone to hug in his sleep. Kal felt like it was all a dream. A very beautiful yet sad dream.

He managed to pass the bakery to which he met the alpha lady some time ago. He was about to continue walking home when he saw a sign at the glass doors.

                           Kitchen Boy
          *Willing to work under pressure
                      *Must be patient
              *21 years old - 45 years old
               *Willing to work full time

A grin slowly breaks into Kal's face. His features soften as his honey eyes lit up from euphoria. The bakery's soft lights illuminate his face and a soft wind blew some of his hair away. He walked closer towards the sign and began rereading it. It seems that the God of Fate doesn't hate him at all ba!

"Oh! Are you perhaps interested in working here?"

A soft voice asks him. Kal turns his head towards the owner and his sight was greeted by an angel. It was a male omega. He has soft fluffy blond hair and light grey eyes. A slim nose and cherry lips that form into a heartwarming smile. Kal can't help but think that the omega looks familiar(?)

"Ah y-yes," Goddammit why does he have to stutter. He lowered his head as his cheeks heat up when the omega cutely giggles at him.

"I'm James by the way, I'm the owner of this shop." He smiles once again as he held his hand towards Kal for a handshake.

"My name is Kalen. Kalen Reeves. You can call me Kal for short." Kal softly replied while still avoiding eye contact with James.

"That's great! You can work here! When would you like to start?"

Kal didn't expect for the omega to walk towards him and held his hand with his. He was sure that his face is so red and he can't help that his hands are always sweaty. He was about to answer when a voice cuts him followed by a dangerous aura behind him.

"James, what are you doing?"

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