Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake

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"James, what are you doing?"

Kal felt his palms sweat even more. The intimidating smell seems vaguely familiar to him; Burnt caramel but with killing intent.

"Ah, sister! I got a new recruit! Look ah!" James yelled towards his sister, stars shining in his doe eyes.

This "sister" is no doubt the lady alpha from the early morning.

"J-James, I think I have to go now, " Kal whispered enough for James to hear as he tried to pry his hands away from the omega's surprisingly strong grip.

"Eh? Why not have a cake with us first? James ignorantly asks, head tilted towards the side like a puppy. His steel grasp has no intention of letting him go.

This little vixen! Can't he see the dangerous aura behind him? Kal inwardly cries his heart out.

"Don't force him, James, " A cold voice snapped at James making him childishly pout and slowly release Kal's hands. Kal then hastily wipes his wet palms into his still wet trousers.

"Didn't I also tell you to avoid touching strangers?"

"But look at him bah! he is weak and skinny. He needs food" James retorted back.

Without wasting any time, Kal quickly walks away from the arguing siblings with his head lowered to the ground hoping that the lady won't recognize him. He still feels guilty for whacking the expensive coat at her pretty face.

"You, stop right there"

Kal instantly stiffens from the voice. He can only inwardly wail for he was not fast enough to make it far away from the bakery.

"You are the guy from the morning aren't you?"

"Eh sister you know him?"

Kal slowly turns towards them and his sight was greeted by the angelic pair. One was looking at him sternly. Grey, Phoenix eyes stare at him as she points a slim finger towards him. The other one was gaping at him. Large, grey eyes shifting between him and his sister while his soft, ivory hands tug the sleeves of his sibling expecting to hear an answer from her.

"About the coat, I'm sorry-"

"I don't need your apologies" she once again snaps at him. Her gaze wandering around his body as if she was checking him out.

"James is right, you are too skinny." She pursed her lips as her eyes tapered at him.

"If you wanted to apologize, eat with us as compensation this morning."

With that, she went inside the bakery without looking back at him. Her long hair fluttering behind her. Kal sighed as he follows a very excited James that kept rambling about the new cake recipes that he recently tried.

The inside of the bakery smells extremely good. Different kinds of bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies are lined up in a display. The orange lights from the low hanging lanterns create a glistening effect on the beige walls and dark chessboard tiles. The chairs and tables are made from polished wood. The paintings and flower plants inside create a homey feeling to the customers. All in all, Kal silently gives a 5-star mark to the bakery.

"Come, sit" James waves at him as he enthusiastically pats a chair beside a large, glazed window. Kal hesitantly sits down and tried not to fidget from the alpha across him.

He can feel her burning stare at his face that makes the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Kal tried his best not to look back at her and instead turns his gaze towards the window; He can see the cars passing and people sauntering as some of them have to go home too.

"It seems that you two have met already." James smiled as he pulls a chair facing the window directly.

"Mhm" her sister replied(?) as she put the cup of tea down at the round table.

"I'm Heather Millington and this is my brother, James Millington." She points toward a still grinning James.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Millington. My name is Kalen Reeves."  Kal forced a fake smile as he held his hand for a shake. Sweat formed on his forehead and he suddenly remembers that he still looks messy and dirty. Kal could only hope that he didn't look like a constipated person in the alpha's eyes.


"Pardon me?" Kal can't help but ask to make sure he didn't mishear what the lady said. His hands still in mid-air.

"Call me Heather" she sternly said as she dabs an expensive handkerchief on the corner of her thin, red lips then takes his hand for a brief shake.

"Oh, okay H-heather?" Kal cannot fully comprehend what had just happened. A good-looking stranger alpha told him to call her by her name! He suddenly feels a blush rising from his cheeks.

He was saved from Heather's stare when a waiter arrived carrying a tray with three plates in it.

"Here's yours" James placed a plate in front of him. His cake is made of three layers. The top is covered with rich and thick melted chocolate sprinkled with almonds. The bread of the cake is brown creám in color with crushed nuts and dried raisins. There is also a chocolate filling in the middle. Kal gulped the saliva that was slowly piling inside of his mouth. As much as he wanted to gobble it, Kal couldn't simply afford this kind of cake!

"It's in the house. I hope you'll like the Chocolate Almond Cake." As if reading his thoughts, James sent him a reassuring smile.  His bright grey eyes twinkling at him.

Kal shyly took his fork and cut a small portion. He slowly brings it to his mouth and took his time rejoicing the heavenly flavor that burst his taste buds. The three of them ate in silence until they have finished their meal.

"Are you going home, now? James asked him as he walks Kal outside the bakery.

" Yes, thank y-"

"No need to thanks us"

Kal who was snapped by Heather many times: ......

"Take this" She hands him a business card with her info in it and Kal can't help but confusingly look at her.

"Call me if you need help," she told him as she walks back the bakery with James trailing behind her. Kal carefully placed the card on his wallet. It was the first business card he received in his life and he felt happy about it.

"Bai, Bai" James madly waves at him and Kal heartily waves back. He then started to walk home.

For the first time, Kal looks forward to returning to his rundown apartment.

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