Cry baby, cry baby

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Kal recoiled when Vince abruptly stood so fast and seized him by the wrist. He promptly braced himself and tried to shield his other arm in front of his face. His heart pounds so loud against the wall of his ribcage, and he can feel the tears spur against the rim of his eyes.

"No, no, this is not real. He hates me, hes going to hit me." He shut his eyes as he lowers his head while anticipating the impact. All that came was a tight hug, and he was soon covered in the musky scent of sandalwood and petrichor. Kal suddenly feels faint from the devastating turn of events as he tried to push the man holding him.

"P-please , not again. Please let me go!" His voice stifled by the sobs and hiccups, but everything hurts so much

"Never again."

Kal could feel the hug became tighter as Vince's head buried on the crook of his neck, and Kal suddenly feel happy amongst the myriad of emotions.

He let the man hugged him as he embraced the scent he missed for so long. The unlikely reunion was cut short when he heard heavy footsteps coming their way.

"What are you doing?!" James hollered as his dark stormy eyes glared, and he hurriedly pulled Kal behind him as a means of protection.

"J-james, I'm alright, really" Kal offered a smile as a wretched justification for his bothered state as he pulled the back of Jame's long sleeve to try to mitigate the heavy ambiance. Kal just realized that all of the customer's eyes are on them and he couldn't take much attention. He suddenly feels so embarrassing for hugging the man that hurt him. He tried to even his breathing as he can feel his legs growing weaker. James narrowed his eyes on him, and he can see how he resemble his sister when he is mad.

"Kal this man is harrasing you! Are you just gonna-" James was interrupted midair when Vince growled and muttered deeply to them.

"HE. IS. MY. BETA" His copper eyes bored onto them, and his voice resonates against the bakery's wall of reticence. He is still attractive after numerous years, and Kal feels very little against his gaze. Vince was not the silent bookworm he once knew from high school. He is now a prime, matured alpha; an exceptional businessman on top of that. His whole being screamed alpha, and James couldn't stop himself from breaking eye contact.

"Please leave this bakery or I will call the authorities." James groaned as he turned his back and pulled Kal with him to the kitchen. Eve was standing by the doorway, holding a tissue box. Harold was on the pantry seeming as if he was ready to take action if Vince causes a commotion.


Kal halted at the sound of his name from his lips. But he forced his self not to turn around and plunge into the alpha's arms. "Remember what they did to you!" He nipped himself and bit his lips to stop himself from trembling and breaking onto Jame's hold. He can see the worry on Eve's usually stoic face through his blurry vision.

"We were very sorry."

He heard Vince softly muttered. The sound of the footsteps fades away followed by the soft chimes of the bell against the welcome door. It was so sudden that all sensations deep inside him spilled like a broken jar. James instantly brought him to his arms as he releases his soft omega scent for the beta's comfort. He hates them so much, and he hates the fact that he still loves them. He was so hurt that he didn't notice Harold passing the phone to James to call his sister. He didn't realize that he was slowly being seated onto the nearby chair. He was so exhausted and weak that he let sleep pacified him into the abyss of darkness.

Kal dreamed. He was back in high school as the uniform was familiar to him. He was sitting alone in the chaos of a classroom, and he can't make out the blurry faces of his classmates. A professor was standing at the front, but nobody was listening. Kal understood why. Rich people can obtain everything with money, and he felt aggrieved at this kind of privilege. The bell dinged, and his body robotically went outside of the classroom. He was walking when he apprehended that something was awry. All the faceless students stopped at stared at him. Suddenly, the halls become vague and the students turned into black beings with arms everywhere. Kal forced his legs to run to the light at the end of the hallway. He tried to grasp for the man standing against the light.

"VINCE HELP ME, PLEASE" He screeched and trashed against the hands holding him and hauling him away from his light. He recognized that the figure was the young Vince. Vince turned his head slightly as he kept his hands inside his pocket. Kal could just stare as six more figures appear and stare at him while doing nothing. He panicked when they all turned their backs and walk away from him.


He battled against the chains of arms when suddenly Kal felt a heavy shake and his eyes blown wide open.

"You were having a nightmare"

Kal's vision was greeted by Heather's calculating stare. He was in the backseat of an expensive car. The thing he was lying on is a hundred times softer than his bed at the apartment. He stared around as he adjusted his vision against the car's soft lights as Heather helped him to a sitting position

" James called me and said that you collapsed"

"I'm sor-"

"Stop apologizing to things you never meant to do" Heather sternly said as she signals the driver to continue driving. The drive was painfully awkward as the radio plays Rick Astley's song.

"The birthday"

"Ah?" Kal forced his self to shut up at the dumb response he gave.

"James gave you a card for his birthday on Saturday. Are you going to attend? He will be happy if you do". Heather turned to him and Kal admired the way her long hair glistened against the lights.

"I don't have something to wear" He softly muttered, shy at the fact that he was poor.

"I will have one delivered to you at Friday," she said and Kal only silently nods because he had a feeling that Heather won't take no for an answer. The car skid to a stop and Kal feel flustered that Heather has seen the nature of his run-down apartment. He doesn't even have an ounce of idea how she had his address. Kal opened the car door as the cold evening wind rushed at his face.

"Goodbye and thank you," He offered her a small smile as heather silently stared at him.

"Kal, past is present if you carry it with you. So whatever is happening to your life, I hope that someday you will be strong enough to face it."

With that, Heather closed the door and the car drove away on the streets leaving Kal standing alone like seven years ago. 

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