Bad boy

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There was this guy who I guess you could call the bad boy of the school and he was my neighbour (still is) and I've had a crush on his since third grade lmao.

We go to the same high school and a few months ago he actually told me he liked me but couldn't date me because he had a gf. And I thought oh yeah thats cool I don't want to cheat on anyone.  But then he went and cheated on his gf with some other chick!!!! Like bruh really?!

So I told him like I thought you liked me what's wrong with you?! And he said please give me a second chance. SO I did! He broke up with both girls.

And you know what happened? HE CHEATED ON ME WITH A THIRD CHICK. And the third girl was my friend.

So I cut all connections with him and blocked him.


Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.

That doofus is a dick glad you cut him from your life chica. You don't need guys like that wanting you for themselves while they go and do a thousand other chicks.

He a dick and didn't see that your frigging AMAZING. I don't think he saw you worth. How beautiful you are and how kind and caring you are.

So kindly fuck him.

You can do so much better honey. Just saying get your self a keeper. Thats gonna treat you right.

~ Queen ✌

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